Socials - For those that do not or no longer attend..... What would get you to attend?

Whispers's Avatar
OK... There has been a discussion as to why folks would NOT attend.....

What would get you off your ass and out to one?

What kind of venue would you want to be at?

What would make you comfortable in attending?
OK... There has been a discussion as to why folks would NOT attend..... Originally Posted by Whispers
What would get you off your ass and out to one?
an airtight guarantee that it would not be raided, that nobody's security or identity would be compromised.

What kind of venue would you want to be at?
it would probably have to be at a non-public location, i.e. not a club, restaurant, etc. may have to be at someone's private home in order to be that private. or a rented vacation home or something. i once considered doing a swinger's type party using that kind of venue to keep it private.

What would make you comfortable in attending?
same as #1 above, but no "controversial" or "outspoken" board members there who would try to bring board politics to real life. sadly, there are plenty of people who think their post count and/or review count makes them somehow 'better' than others. many on ECCIE had serious amounts of posts and reviews on ASPD, which i suppose carries no weight here. also prior board admins/moderators from the old board who expect discounts, preferential booking, complimentary upgrades, etc from providers who may be present. i think it would be great to have a social where everyone is on an even playing field, but somehow i think that isn't realistic either.

good post though. instead of focusing on what went wrong with the last socials, i guess it is nice to see what can be improved to actually get people to come to one.
I don't see the problem? When I was in L.A. I was on the hobby board a few of the more respected providers would use the board to arrange socials / meet and greets usually at the beach bars in the Long Beach area. We never had any issues, no LE and no one ever acted up we just enjoyed cocktails, appetizers and a great view of the harbor. If you clicked with a particular provider you swap e-mail addresses and make arrangements to hook up at a later date and it's all done discreetly. How hard is this?
I don't see the problem? When I was in L.A. I was on the hobby board a few of the more respected providers would use the board to arrange socials / meet and greets usually at the beach bars in the Long Beach area. We never had any issues, no LE and no one ever acted up we just enjoyed cocktails, appetizers and a great view of the harbor. If you clicked with a particular provider you swap e-mail addresses and make arrangements to hook up at a later date and it's all done discreetly. How hard is this? Originally Posted by isomilf69
there is a sister thread that was closed....if you look at it you'll see that in December 2009 a social was raided in Houston and put on TV which raised concerns about getting busted. that is one of several issues people have concerns with.
Whispers's Avatar
an airtight guarantee that it would not be raided, that nobody's security or identity would be compromised.

That's not remotely possible. There is always risk that may possibly be mitigated but each and every person attending need always be concerned for their own safety.

Regarding Screening.... I believe LESS screening of participants and more public settings mitigate risk tremendously as everyone tends to be on their best behavior....

it would probably have to be at a non-public location, i.e. not a club, restaurant, etc. may have to be at someone's private home in order to be that private. or a rented vacation home or something. i once considered doing a swinger's type party using that kind of venue to keep it private.

I actually prefer more public settings with a dress code to keep people on their best behavior myself.

same as #1 above, but no "controversial" or "outspoken" board members there who would try to bring board politics to real life. sadly, there are plenty of people who think their post count and/or review count makes them somehow 'better' than others. many on ECCIE had serious amounts of posts and reviews on ASPD, which i suppose carries no weight here. also prior board admins/moderators from the old board who expect discounts, preferential booking, complimentary upgrades, etc from providers who may be present. i think it would be great to have a social where everyone is on an even playing field, but somehow i think that isn't realistic either.

Now there is a common misconception about how someone's Board Personna equates to their behavior in Public. I certainly meet that description but have been at many a social, luncheon or get together and never dabble in Board Politics. I tend to sit off to myself with the lady I bring, get up to say hello to some old friends and often askcertain member I might want to meet is there and then say hello to him. On some occaisions a young lady catches my eye and I look into her as well. I can't say I have ever been a part of any drama off the board in any setting that had anything to do with the board.

good post though. instead of focusing on what went wrong with the last socials, i guess it is nice to see what can be improved to actually get people to come to one. Originally Posted by John_TX
Although it is something that seems to appeal to a larger percentage of the population at times I tend to dislike it when the ladies are in revealing or slutty attire, when toys come out to be played with, when ladies get overly friendly with other ladies, when guys and ladies get overly friendly.....

I enjoy seeing ladies in cocktail, semiformal or business dress and men in slacks and collared shirts in a semiprivate area off a main floor of some in restaurant or club.

I have enjoyed smaller events like the Amazing Parties that were hosted at Swingers clubs where just his girls were invited or the Wild Flower Pool Parties and Yours Tonight Hot Tub events as well.

I usually leave the ones at Private residences when the clothes start to come off and there is a pool full of naked people or some gal tied to a horse....

Reincarnated's Avatar
The only thing I didn't like about the last social I attended you had Whispers was that the venue is really loud making it hard to talk very well and I don't remember many providers coming. I did have a good time though meeting may of the guys who write on the boards so it isn't really necessary to have the gals there at all. That particular venue being as far north as it is prohibits many from taking off for lunch and getting back to work at a decent hour.

I too like the socials were people are more business like like you said above.
Baloney Pony's Avatar
there is a sister thread that was closed....if you look at it you'll see that in December 2009 a social was raided in Houston and put on TV which raised concerns about getting busted. that is one of several issues people have concerns with. Originally Posted by John_TX
Howdy, Folks!

Here ya go:
Howdy, Folks!

Here ya go: Originally Posted by Baloney Pony
Sounds like a party.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-23-2010, 01:07 PM
I have attended socials for years and will continue to do so. I find it is a great way to keep in touch with others in our little community.

there is a sister thread that was closed....if you look at it you'll see that in December 2009 a social was raided in Houston and put on TV which raised concerns about getting busted. that is one of several issues people have concerns with. Originally Posted by John_TX
Those who were nabbed at that event were done so because they did something stupid while they were there, not because they simply attended. If you mind your manners and the rules for such events you should be fine.
Those who were nabbed at that event were done so because they did something stupid while they were there, not because they simply attended. If you mind your manners and the rules for such events you should be fine. Originally Posted by Mokoa
im not certain that HPD got 25 officers AND the press to participate in a planned operation, and everyone just waited for the undercovers to report that a violation had occurred inside the premises before they decided to storm the place. methinks they were going to enter the premises whether or not people were doing anything illegal (at that given moment) or not. in the news link above, the Lieutenant said specifically that they had done a 4 1/2 month long operation infiltrating ASPD. it seems that this raid was the culmination of the operation, and they were coming to bust people regardless of what additional things they saw inside the club.

nobody gets 25 cops and the press to just "standby" and wait for something to happen.
Whispers's Avatar
The only thing I didn't like about the last social I attended you had Whispers was that the venue is really loud making it hard to talk very well and I don't remember many providers coming.

Well... The get together I put on are meant to be more about the Strippers and the Strip Club scene. Although we do invite a few providers it is limited quite a bit and we do not usually repeat girls invited before.

Girls invited either have

1) the look and ability if they desired to be on a stage in a Top Notch Club or;
2) they are the type of lady that really enjoys a Strip Club and the dancers and is there as a customer like the rest of us.

All Providers invited are usually coming as the date of one of the guys that clears it up front.

I did have a good time though meeting may of the guys who write on the boards so it isn't really necessary to have the gals there at all. That particular venue being as far north as it is prohibits many from taking off for lunch and getting back to work at a decent hour.

I too like the socials were people are more business like like you said above. Originally Posted by Reincarnated
and for me it is really a lot more about meeting guys I want to put faces to their posts, sharing information as well as just enjoying the shit out of the club and ladies there.
i'd love to attend a social what Whispers puts on, where all the girls are dancers or other "civilians" who aren't providers (yet...maybe just did a few extras in VIP or what not) but are on the fence about it. given the right guy, right chemistry, right $ amount, they would turn to the dark side.

now THAT would be a great social....! what do you think Whispers?
Baloney Pony's Avatar
im not certain that HPD got 25 officers AND the press to participate in a planned operation, and everyone just waited for the undercovers to report that a violation had occurred inside the premises before they decided to storm the place. methinks they were going to enter the premises whether or not people were doing anything illegal (at that given moment) or not. in the news link above, the Lieutenant said specifically that they had done a 4 1/2 month long operation infiltrating ASPD. it seems that this raid was the culmination of the operation, and they were coming to bust people regardless of what additional things they saw inside the club.

nobody gets 25 cops and the press to just "standby" and wait for something to happen. Originally Posted by John_TX

Howdy, Folks!

From that news article:

"Tuesday night, police were back out rounding up the men who allegedly paid for sex at the party."

"At the party, HPD undercover officers found enough evidence to charge 12 people with prostitution."

"There are men who met prostitutes online in the city of Houston who have warrants for their arrest for prostitution, and they don’t know it yet."

1. "Allegedly"

alleged |əˈlejd|
adjective [ attrib. ]
(of an incident or a person) said, without proof, to have taken place or to have a specified illegal or undesirable quality : the alleged conspirators.

2. "Evidence"

evidence |ˈevədəns|

• signs; indications

Not, proof.

3. "warrants for their arrest"

Folks, the justice system can issue warrants for anything. You can be arrested for anything.

PROSECUTION AND CONVICTION - this is something entirely different.

Unless any of these 12 folks plea-bargained, I'll wager none of them were convicted of anything.

This sort of bust is a scare tactic. The scare is not that you'll be convicted; that's slim to none.

The scare is your name will show up in the paper, your photo will be in the news, video of you will be on TeeVee, and your friends, employers, or loved ones will see you.

This is not the justice system, it is a court of shame and finger pointing.

It's called, "being tried in the media." It can be very effective.

It's totally passive-aggressive, and that's really funny, because the justice system doesn't need to be passive-aggressive; it can usually smack someone down pretty well(a classic case of passive-aggressive behavior involving the state is when someone will sic the local constabulary or even corporate juggernaut on their target - it becomes a pissing contest between the target and the faceless machine, and lemme tell ya - the faceless machine has more money than the average target does. The target loses, and the passive-aggressive asswipe gets to keep their hands clean and their pocketbook protected. Hell - in this case, it may have been a member on ASPD that had a grudge, and decided to cock and pull the trigger on the FuckWithYou Gun by letting the local "justice system" do the dirty work for them).

From the above, I agree with Whispers; a public venue is FAR better, as:

1. Folks will prolly behave themselves, which means...

2. If you're behaving yourself, you'll not "allegedly" be providing "evidence" so The JBT can arrest and charge you, or later on issue warrants for your arrest for prostitution.

Other nice thing about public venues, you can always say, "hey - I'm just a patron of this bar/club/diner/whatever - I'm just passing through, looking for the restroom."

Bottom line - as long as no one discusses or shows money changing hands in said public establishment, one should be fine.

[That said - if one of the providers gives one of the Hobbyists a BBBJ or HJ or anything else in plain view of the JBT, well - yer prolly gonna get slapped with a public lewdness charge. My advice to that is, just WAIT until you can get BCD, you horny bastards! ]
I don't see issues with having a get together. It really should not be that hard to act like adults, do not discuss P4P, do not discuss drugs or try to bring and or sell them at the get together. Oh and don't come dressed like you have been walking the vegas strip it draws un-wanted attention. I am pretty sure if these simple rules can be followed then there should be no problems. Right?

It's when you are doing all of the above that draws un-wanted attention form folks not apart of the get together. Somethings just need to be saved for BCD.
You are 100% correct! As I said in my previous response, I've attended many socials / meet & greets in L.A. and there was never a problem, but then again there was no illegal activity going on like at the club in Houston. The police need probable cause to affect an arrest like witnessing the sale of an illegal narcotic or a lewd act being performed in public yada, yada, yada. If I attended a social here in Austin and got the chance to share a cocktail or two with the lovely Roxy I'm quite sure that I would want to throw her up on a table and pleasure every inch of her. However being raised right and being a true gentleman I would refrain and simply exchange e-mail addresses with her and agree to chat about a more private encounter at a later date. Doing lines in the ladies room or recieving a bj under a table at a club will get you locked up not drinks and simple conversation. I say again, how hard is this?
P.S. Roxy I have the perfect table here at the house babe...