
Rollin DeHay's Avatar
Hi ladies and gents- got a question for the assembled minds. Do most providers expect a tip? Is it the norm to tip? Is it expected that you not show up empty-handed, like with a gift such as jewelry or a gift card? Is the quote just a floor and most of us give more? Just want to fit in, so to speak.
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Tips/Gratuities/Gifts for whores are what wusses do.
Tip if u feel like it. Never tip if they ask for it, its not a tip if u ask.
I work hard at seeing ladies that will please me, so I include a 20 tip with the donation because a few years ago, I left an absolutely super session dazed and didn't tip. Many probably don't even notice.

The way I look at it, any girl deserves a tip for seeing Me! I don't make it rain, but its just a thank you... Obviously, you are under no obligation to tip. Some guys show up with gifts, some take the gals out to eat, some tip - and plenty of guys don't do any of these things and still get seen as easily as the others.

Its up to you - whatever makes you comfortable.
Well geeze Whispers! Tell us how you really feel!

Tips/gifts are never requested but always appreciated. I have a few clients who always bring me something nice, they are such sweeties for doing so.
Tips/Gratuities/Gifts for whores are what wusses do. Originally Posted by Whispers
I tip servers in restaurants, hairdressers, dog groomers and manicurists at least 20%. Other top shelf service providers 10% - 20% and providers anywhere from zero to 50%. I always get exceptional service when I return, if I've tipped!

One provider I saw years ago for the first time I brought her favorite flower. That meeting and all those subsequent were off the charts. She's retired now, but still remembers that first meeting.

Doing something over the top can bring returns in Spades!

So, I guess I'm a woos in Whispers view, I do enjoy making people smile! In fact, I often hand a Jackson to a homeless person, just to see them smile!
Whispers's Avatar
Guess you need to increase the tips man..

I work hard at seeing ladies that will please me, so I include a 20 tip with the donation because a few years ago, I left an absolutely super session dazed and didn't tip. Many probably don't even notice.

The way I look at it, any girl deserves a tip for seeing Me! I don't make it rain, but its just a thank you... Obviously, you are under no obligation to tip. Some guys show up with gifts, some take the gals out to eat, some tip - and plenty of guys don't do any of these things and still get seen as easily as the others.

Its up to you - whatever makes you comfortable. Originally Posted by OldYeller
Whispers's Avatar
I tip servers in restaurants, hairdressers, dog groomers and manicurists at least 20%. Other top shelf service providers 10% - 20% and providers anywhere from zero to 50%. I always get exceptional service when I return, if I've tipped!

One provider I saw years ago for the first time I brought her favorite flower. That meeting and all those subsequent were off the charts. She's retired now, but still remembers that first meeting.

Doing something over the top can bring returns in Spades!

So, I guess I'm a woos in Whispers view, I do enjoy making people smile! In fact, I often hand a Jackson to a homeless person, just to see them smile! Originally Posted by Louigi
Wuss.... not woos......
Whispers's Avatar
Well geeze Whispers! Tell us how you really feel! Originally Posted by Tracy Aine
It's just a word descriptive of the profession chosen darlin....
Like Nikki said only tip if you feel like it and NEVER if the lady asks.

Once you have built a rapport and have a few ATFs then tips or small gifts can go a long way. Her favorite candy, flower, snack, drink, gift card to favorite store etc....It shows that you've paid attention and you will be be rewarded. If you know her sizes getting her something you want to see her in is a nice option too.
First things first: this is NOT a tip based industry so, any discussion that includes the words "expected", "norm", and "tipping" is misguided. A lady sets her rates and those are her rates. A lady should never count on tips to reach her desired income, she should adjust her rates instead.

With that said, tipping in a non-tip based industry has nothing to do with "fitting in" or doing what "wusses do".

I recently went on vacation and, while away, one of the employees of the hotel where I stayed made my stay so special and made me feel just plain thankful. I know that person did not do anything for the tip (which I gladly gave), the comment card I filled out, or for the gift I later sent.

Is this the norm? Was I trying to fit in? Am I a wuss? Clearly, the answer is NO to all of these questions because you do not know the service it was provided to me and how it made ME FEEL. I can tell you that this was NOT a sex worker. This person does not even got to provide anything as personal as what a provider is capable of providing. Does that mean a provider should automatically be tipped? Definitely not!

This is all so very personal that no one can paint this topic with a single brush stroke. EXCEPT for one thing: if you ever hear that someone EXPECTS more than their posted rate, RUN. That provider is just starting to up charging you... Just starting...

On the topic of writing a review in lieu of cash, gifts, etc, for some, reviews will never be written. Many members will simply never, ever write a review for many personal reasons (privacy being one of them). Another thing to consider when thinking of reviews is that they are time-consuming. The members here who write them can attest to that. To chuck reviews as a "non-sucker" way of tipping, is to undermine the issues surrounding a review: some being the time put into writing them, and the decreased privacy a member submits himself to when publishing one. One can easily argue that tossing that extra $20, $50, $100 may be a much easier way to reward someone for making your day/week/month than writing a review.

In closing, like some may say, do "you" and what makes you feel good. As I always say: tipping is never, ever expected, but greatly appreciated.


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  • savak
  • 10-02-2014, 04:46 PM
Once you have built a rapport and have a few ATFs then tips or small gifts can go a long way. Her favorite candy, flower, snack, drink, gift card to favorite store etc....It shows that you've paid attention and you will be be rewarded. If you know her sizes getting her something you want to see her in is a nice option too. Originally Posted by SAangel27

i have a few atfs now and in the past where they have hooked me up with bonuses beyond me getting laid and likewise i try to reciprocate with stuff they like on top of the standard donation.
Chincho's Avatar
Why we gotta make getting fucked for money all complicated? You want a complicated sex partner go get a girlfriend. Keep it simple if she charges $200 for her kitty pay it if you want her kitty, if you require an extra wide bed for your fat ass to fit in or an unusual time slot she can adjust her rate accordingly. She or her pimp sets her rates if she or the pimp thinks her kitty is worth $200 don't disagree and pay more then we will all complain about all the girls with gps when they raise their rates.
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Tips/Gratuities/Gifts for whores are what wusses do. Originally Posted by Whispers
I guess I'm also a wuss.. I tip according to service same as I do a barmaid, bartender or dancer. I want her to make sure to see me often and make sure I'm taken care of. If I like a lady and want to see her again, I will tip so I am moved to the top of the food chain. If I call and Whispers call for a date, I'm guessing, not positive, I will be her first choice.
Case in point.. My BF and I meet a few times a year in Vegas, he is a "Whispers", always is negotiating for less $$ and more service. There is a lady in Vegas we both have seen and she is awesome. I tip her and respect her and her donations. Last time we were in Vegas he couldn't get her to respond to text, email or calls. I sent her a text and within minutes had a date set up. She invited me to her place as she didn't want to run into my friend. I told him I would catch him later at a cigar lounge.. after our time together, the lady asked if she could come along with me. My friend was shocked she came and hung out with us the rest of the night. He learned that tipping does pay off in the long run.