This tattoo artist is a real dick...

Marcus78's Avatar
This is the type of story which makes me feel like a horrible person for laughing, but oh well! What would you do to the artist after you discovered what had happened?
oshins's Avatar
My name is oshins and I am a horrible person for laughing...

Sooo... just maybe the moral of the story is don't let someone you just had a fight with ink your back.
oldtiger's Avatar
A regular prick , that guy is.
Sa_artman's Avatar
A regular prick , that guy is. Originally Posted by oldtiger
Maybe he was doing an homage to Old Tigers legendary status? A 1:1 replica?
desertrat62's Avatar
FWIW he can honestly say he's got a 16 inch dick.
oldtiger's Avatar
Maybe he was doing an homage to Old Tigers legendary status? A 1:1 replica? Originally Posted by Sa_artman
And this is how the rumors start..... LOL's not a rumor! (lol)
why you no do's Avatar
You mean Oldtiger has a tattoo of a 16" Penis on his back
Sa_artman's Avatar
And this is how the rumors start..... LOL Originally Posted by oldtiger
LOL Maybe it was you comparing it to a coke can in a thread of yesteryear.
oldtiger's Avatar
LOL Maybe it was you comparing it to a coke can in a thread of yesteryear. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
I never made a comparison to a COKE can!

Now I seem to remember a certain energy drink being mentioned...
Marcus78's Avatar
Oldtiger, I just hope it wasn't one of those little 5 Hour Energy shots!