The Whitewashing of Bobby Jindal

This guy is NOT presidential material he should be nowhere near the top of any ticket unless it's Barnum and Bailey's. What a shameful representation from "Bobby" or should I say Piyush

First he changed his name to fit in. His name isn't Bobby Jindal it's Piyush Jindal. Then he changed his religion abandoning his faith to curry favor with the religious right.


The example of Jindal demonstrates the pressure to capitulate for the sake of political ambition. Jindal couldn't change his color, but he converted his religion to become less different from the dominant white Christians of his party.

His personal narrative amplifies his conversion to Roman Catholicism, even though he was raised Hindu by immigrant parents who were very active leaders in the local Hindu temple in Louisiana. He feels no qualms in making statements hurtful to the sentiments of the community from which he derives his "minority" card.

In a piece some years ago, he said when asked about his conversion: "the motivation behind my conversion, however, was my belief in one, objectively true faith (Christianity). If Christianity is merely one of many equally valid religions, then the sacrifices I made, including the loss of my family's peace, were senseless".

Presumably the conversion of his Hindu Punjabi wife to Roman Catholicism some years later occurred by her having coincidentally the exact same epiphany as he did.

To those of us Indian-Americans who are unwilling to obliterate our identity and get "digested" into the whitestream, Jindal is no trailblazer. He does not speak for us and merely uses his Indian-American status to gain leverage with Republicans who must now present a more inclusive face in order to remain relevant. His life underscores the fact that America has a long way to go before Indians and Hindus can project openly and without negative consequences the full range of their cultural and religious identity.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Bobby Jindal was born in Louisiana to Amar and Raj Jindal, immigrants from Punjab, India. Jindal was one of 50 students nationwide admitted to the Program in Liberal Medical Education (PLME) at Brown University, guaranteeing him a place in medical school. Jindal completed majors in biology and public policy. He graduated in 1991 at the age of 20, with honors in both majors. Jindal was named to the 1992 USA Today All-USA Academic Team. He applied to and was accepted by both Harvard Medical School and Yale Law School, but studied at New College, Oxford, as a Rhodes Scholar.
And while you postulate on "name change", zany ...

he's black (and so I am) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
... you're the dumb-ass that chose to be named after one of Africa's largest and most notorious slave markets that was not closed down until almost the 20th century.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Just like in the hood, ZanyBore*, where you admonish successful brothers for "acting white" thus depriving them of a emotional connection to success, and impeding their personal advancement, owing to your own insecurities.

P.S. you're the dumb-ass that chose a handle named after one of Africa's largest and most notorious slave markets that was not closed down until almost the 20th century.

*thanks to COG for that name
Of course Piyush is he's whitewashed and converted that takes Brilliance. He's a real Manchurian candidate

Piyush is smarter than Zanzibar and the collective brain power of a gnat crew consisting of Barlycorn, IB an Idiot, JewLawyer, and Lazylad
I B Hankering's Avatar
I B an Idiot Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

whatever reality you create that makes you feel good I'm all for it.

Piyush 2016
I B Hankering's Avatar
whatever reality you create that makes you feel good I'm all for it.

Piyush 2016
Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
You're the drunken, lib-retard sot who keeps swilling from the keg of lib-retard Kool Aid, zany. The "real reality" is that Jindal is smarter than you, Odumbo, Hildabeast, ol' Joe, Kerry and Gore all **rolled** together. Furthermore, zany, Jindal belongs to an ethnic minority who doesn't fictitiously claim -- like Elizabeth Warren -- that he belongs to an ethnic minority.
Why does Jindal upset you so much? He didn't change his name really. Piyush is actually Robert in Indian. Everybody called him Bobby when he was in school so the name just stuck. Obamas real name is Barry Soetoro. Why do you have such a chip on your shoulder? Why don't you try acting like a real human being for a change. Jindal isn't a threat to you, Obama is.

Why does Jindal upset you so much? He didn't change his name really. Piyush is actually Robert in Indian. Everybody called him Bobby when he was in school so the name just stuck. Obamas real name is Barry Soetoro. Why do you have such a chip on your shoulder? Why don't you try acting like a real human being for a change. Jindal isn't a threat to you, Obama is.

JIm Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

Why won't you call him by his birth name. Piyush Barry still goes by his. Hussein Obama is a worse name the Soetoro am I right ?

Piyush is whitewashed till it ain't even funny. He chose an All-American "Bobby" name straight out of a "Leave it to Beaver" sitcom. He knew white Republicans would NOT accept Piyush so he bailed on it and his religion

You're the drunken, lib-retard sot who keeps swilling from the keg of lib-retard Kool Aid, zany. The "real reality" is that Jindal is smarter than you, Odumbo, Hildabeast, ol' Joe, Kerry and Gore all **rolled** together. Furthermore, zany, Jindal belongs to an ethnic minority who doesn't fictitiously claim -- like Elizabeth Warren -- that he belongs to an ethnic minority.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

He's smarter than me and I'm smarter than you. What else you got
boardman's Avatar
Kinda like Barry Soetoro going Muslim?
Nothing is worse than changing your name to fit in. Piyush is an empty suit.
cowboy8055's Avatar
This guy is NOT presidential material he should be nowhere near the top of any ticket unless it's Barnum and Bailey's Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Obama was far from presidential material when he ran in 2008. And after almost 6 years in the White House he still isn't presidential material.
I B Hankering's Avatar
He's smarter than me, and I'm smarter than you. What else you got? Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
You might appear a tad more credible if you knew how to correctly punctuate sentences, zany.
Obama was far from presidential material when he ran in 2008. And after almost 6 years in the White House he still isn't presidential material. Originally Posted by cowboy8055

I wouldn't hire Barry as a busboy.