Gifts along with donations

twobullhunglow's Avatar
I have seen a provider several times now and I know that gifts are not required but I have brought a gift each time along with the donation.

Here are my reason why and these are what I would like comments on.

1. I believe that women, not matter their profession should be treated like ladies and a gift is the way I would treat any lady that I would see.

2. The provider is going out of her way to accommodate my hectic schedule which I believe should be shown gratitude.

If I continue to do what I believe is only right, do I come off as clingy or weird in some sort of way that could jeopardize the activities that I so enjoy?

splitlog's Avatar
Keep doing it! I have a regular as well. We have become friends outside the hobby. We know our boundaries and respect them. I get her gifts as well. Last year she was snowed in and a went and picked her up some groceries to get through. She never asked. I offered. Makes me feel good so who cares. Keep it up as long as she doesn't try to take advantage of your kindness.
I think most ladies really appreciate gifts! It's a very sweet gesture.

As long as you don't show up unexpectedly on Thanksgiving with a turkey, you should be okay.
DallasRain's Avatar
I think most ladies really appreciate gifts! It's a very sweet gesture.

As long as you don't show up unexpectedly on Thanksgiving with a turkey, you should be okay. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
But if you give us the turkey before Thanksgiving, then we won't have to cook one. Don't forget the pumpkin pie. I'm just saying. LOL
DallasRain's Avatar
lol silly sexy girl!

I hate turkey--I eat ham on thanksgiving! LOL
And bring some southern bourbon laced pecan pie too!!
lol silly sexy girl!

I hate turkey--I eat ham on thanksgiving! LOL
And bring some southern bourbon laced pecan pie too!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Dallas, if you and I get together & combine our gifts, we can be lazy & full.

Sometimes, I amaze myself with my brilliance.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol a sexy brilliant redhead nympho from Arkansas and a slutty, feisty & sassy redneck from texas.....wooohoooo what a combo of fire!!
I'm kinda thinking that when guys envision you two together, the last thing on their minds is turkey. Or ham. A little bourbon? Yeah, I can see that.
arkansas_hobbyist's Avatar
I understand where you are coming from and don't see anything wrong with it at all. She appreciates your kindness and I am sure that it is returned in spades..
arkansas_hobbyist's Avatar
And to watchoutthegamisrigged point.... Even though I have not met either of these two ladies I'm sure anybody that came over on Thanksgiving would have their mind on thighs and breasts... the turkey be dammed.
twobullhunglow's Avatar
Thank you for the input, I feel more comfortable now and will continue on doing what I feel is right.
DallasRain's Avatar
yall are so sweet...I hope to do some doubles with sexy Ginger when I get that way!!
Sidinman78's Avatar
yall are so sweet...I hope to do some doubles with sexy Ginger when I get that way!! Originally Posted by DallasRain

Oh damn! Why haven't I thought of a double...
willro's Avatar
If a provider is your special regular or a close "hobby friend" I think gifts can be a nice touch. For most hobby experiences, I would say the agreed upon donation is plenty. They're not your girlfriend. As for your point about 'treating her like a lady," this should always happen, and it can happen with or without bringing a present. I'm sure they like to receive gifts, but I don't think any hobbyist should view it as necessary.