Why Do People Who Say It Is Never OK To Lie Support Obama?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sure, the Republicans lie, too, but why would a poster here take such a strong stand against (other people) lying, yet always support Obama? One could say that anyone with that position would likely be lying about hating lying, wouldn't one?
Because these are people who put Party and their agenda first, before everything else.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Double standard.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sure, the Republicans lie, too, but why would a poster here take such a strong stand against (other people) lying, yet always support Obama? One could say that anyone with that position would likely be lying about hating lying, wouldn't one? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
For a change, you've started a thread that makes no sense in order to promote yet another feces flinging match, you whiny bitch.

And that's no lie!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Sure, the Republicans lie, too, but why would a poster here take such a strong stand against (other people) lying, yet always support Obama? One could say that anyone with that position would likely be lying about hating lying, wouldn't one? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Did you ever wonder?
Because too many wrongly think: all politicians lie all the time, so Obama lying is no big deal ?

But the polling / job approval ratings of Obama show that Americans are catching on to his congential lies.

IMO, politicians lie to hide their real positions and appear to be more moderate and in line with their electorate thinking. In that vein, Obama lies are all the more nefarious because he is the most extreme (liberal) of any president. Thus his lies have to be more often, severe, and outrageous. He is so far left of the American center, if he told the truth, he would haven't been elected president in 2008. Without his lies, his brand would be nothing. His rhetoric (lies) is what got him elected. Without it he is an empty suit.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why do you support Ted Cruz, Shir-LIE-turd? According to Politifact Texas, he is the biggest liar in the state.

Do you wrongly think it's OK for him to lie about everything?

(Never mind the cheap theatrics...).

Why do you support Dan Patrick, Shir-lie-turd?

The hypocrisy here is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Why do you support Ted Cruz, Shir-LIE-turd? According to Politifact Texas, he is the biggest liar in the state.

Do you wrongly think it's OK for him to lie about everything?

(Never mind the cheap theatrics...).

Why do you support Dan Patrick, Shir-lie-turd?

The hypocrisy here is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, AssupLiar, you were lying when you said you opposed lying. Interesting.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So, AssupLiar, you were lying when you said you opposed lying. Interesting. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
How was I lying about that?

YOU'RE lying about that!

Stupid git. You'd find a hole in a bathroom stall "interesting."
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
AssupLiar, your lying. You did say it is never OK to lie. So, we're you lying then, or lying now?
that idiot WTF lied about his believing that even if you believe what you are saying you are lying.... if its incorrect

or even if what you say is true, such as "the CIA says... " but the underlying information from security services the world over turns out to be incorrect, then you are still lying

I say WTF is lying when he claims its a lie because I think he doesn't believe its a lie

i think he is just defending liars by trying to say other people lie and that's the best he can come up with

I think he continues to lie about it because he cannot admit he was wrong, when the fact of merely being incorrect is not lying is pointed out to him

I am thinking he lies about this because to think he is that stupid is mind boggling

additionally, surely he cannot believe being incorrect is lying because all his posts would then become lies
HAHA....Politifact would have some credibility if, along with naming the biggest Republican liar, they named a Democrat.

Guess who that would be? Wonder why Poltifact avoids naming the Democrat? Could it be their bias? Tells you all need to know.

A better Politifact opine would be = between Cruz and Obama, who is the bigger liar ? Who's lies are more damaging and destructive?

Poltifact web page has Obama at 9 "PANTS ON FIRE" lies and Cruz at 4. I would say Obama is the bigger liar by a factor of 2x....add in Mostly False statements and Obama beats Cruz by a factor of 10x !!!!!!!!! And I don't think they scored some of Obama's biggest hits: If you like your doctor, your healthcare plan, yada yada.... YIKES...Obama is King Liar! Cruz is on the JV team compared to major leaguer Obama.

And I am sure Obama's lies are much more expensive and destructive to American taxpayers and our liberties (than those of Cruz).

BTW, I didn't support Patrick. I voted for Butler. And Patrick will be a better AG over the Democrat Van de Putte.

Why do you support Ted Cruz, Shir-LIE-turd? According to Politifact Texas, he is the biggest liar in the state.

Do you wrongly think it's OK for him to lie about everything?

(Never mind the cheap theatrics...).

Why do you support Dan Patrick, Shir-lie-turd?

The hypocrisy here is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I CROWN THEE KING LIAR.......................