Another barter? Phones.

guszebo9's Avatar
Ok, I put up a laptop for a barter and had good response (it actually ended up going to a charity because I let the wrong person know in my office I was planning on keeping my own).

This time I am resigning a contract for some phones and I am not planning on letting anyone know about the upgrades. So I will have several phones, brand new for AT&T. I understand you can unlock them to work on T-Mobile. I have a list of twelve from which to choose (LGs, Blackberrys,etc.).

Any interest PM, YM (guszebo9), or email
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
just why in the hell do you have 12 phones?

guszebo9's Avatar
I didn't say I had twelve phones.

I said I had a list of twelve phones from which to choose (actually 11). I have to tell the phone company which ones I want.

As one of the phones I counted is an option for a Sierra Wireless Mercury Aircard (AT&T).
sweetaimeexoxo's Avatar
Can you get a droid or a xenon? thanks.
guszebo9's Avatar
Sorry, the droid is not one of my options. Here are the options:

Motorola Karma
Samsung Jack-Gray
LG Vu CU920
LG Neon GT365 Aqua Blue
Blackberry Curve Red 8310
Samsung Flight
Samsung A777
Motorola EM330
LG Xenon Blue
Samsung Solstice
Samsung Impression

There is also available a Sierra Wireless Mercury Aircard
hemiman's Avatar
Samsung Impression
guszebo9's Avatar
Have an used unlocked blackberry pearl (ATT or TMobile) in good condition if anyone is interested.