Wasting Jimmie Time

JohnnyCap's Avatar
Up in Upset NY, it seems we have Jimmies that seem to always chime in about chatting up this lady or chatting up that lady. These Jimmies always have an update on provider rules and 'ho procedures, where this lady is, who's she staying with and who's the baby-daddy. Is she in jail, what for and when is she out? Who is she doing duos with, have her rules changed and why did the other Jimmie get more mileage than he did?

How much time do y'all spend chatting up rentals? Do you call Avis and Enterprise to see who's driving the last car you rented, and how much they paid for it? I suspect a certain percent of Jimmies enjoy the high school teenage chase more than the BCD time. What I'm jealous of is the disconnect where they consider the time and money well spent.
inspector farquar's Avatar
inspector farquar's Avatar

How much time do y'all spend chatting up rentals? Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Less than you spend chatting up jimmies.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-22-2014, 11:20 AM
So long as a guy is not stalking her or revealing inappropriate info, why do you care?

If it really bothers you, block him.

Ladies are not cars, your analogy doesn't hold.

I chat with a number of ladies on a regular basis about all sorts of things. They are friends. I choose not to post specifics, but I don't consider it a big deal so long as the lady is cool with it.

There are a whole lot more serious things to get concerned about.
pyramider's Avatar
I thinck the upsetters just need to embrace their taints and relax ...
JohnnyCap's Avatar
So long as a guy is not stalking her or revealing inappropriate info, why do you care?

If it really bothers you, block him.

Ladies are not cars, your analogy doesn't hold.

I chat with a number of ladies on a regular basis about all sorts of things. They are friends. I choose not to post specifics, but I don't consider it a big deal so long as the lady is cool with it.

There are a whole lot more serious things to get concerned about. Originally Posted by Old-T
Block who? I don't need a website to ignore a fucktard, I can do that on my own.

Why you worried about what I think about? What would you have me be concerned with?

I'm glad you have friends to chat with.

Ladies are not cars. But the analogy holds just fine.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-22-2014, 01:06 PM
Block who? I don't need a website to ignore a fucktard, I can do that on my own.

Why you worried about what I think about? What would you have me be concerned with?

I'm glad you have friends to chat with.

Ladies are not cars. But the analogy holds just fine. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap

First of all, I am not in the least “worried” about what you think about. If that is the most important thing in your world view to trouble your mind about, go right ahead. In my world it is not. It is worth the 35 seconds it took me to read your post and reply.

If you can so easily ignore someone just because they post something you believe is drivel—not important, not dangerous, not noteworthy, just drivel—then why did you feel compelled to start a new thread about it? It seems it DOES bother you more than that. And since you decided it was worth a new thread on a discussion board, what possible logic do you have for seeming to get upset when I reply? I didn’t yell at you. I didn’t say you were evil for posting your point of view. I simply disagreed—very mildly—with your opinion.

You have your opinion. “Jimmy” has his. I have mine. That’s sort of what a discussion board is about.

And your analogy only works for people who look at ladies as disposable. Some folks do, some don’t. From your OP you seem to scorn the “lady” reference. Words do have meaning, especially when you use them to refer to people. I wonder what word you prefer?
awl4knot's Avatar
There are people who crave attention by becoming insiders who know the real nitty gritty about a celebrity, a sports team or a band. The Jimmies just apply this to escorts.

If this bothers you perhaps you should discuss it with the Jimmies. Tell them how much you disdain them and their waste of time and ask them to be more considerate of your time and feelings. Consider asking them to discuss and publicize what's going on in your life so they will have a more worthy topic. I am sure you can work it out. Be sure to report back because this is of universal importance to ECCIE nation.
JohnnyCap's Avatar

First of all, I am not in the least “worried” about what you think about. If that is the most important thing in your world view to trouble your mind about, go right ahead. In my world it is not. It is worth the 35 seconds it took me to read your post and reply.

If you can so easily ignore someone just because they post something you believe is drivel—not important, not dangerous, not noteworthy, just drivel—then why did you feel compelled to start a new thread about it? It seems it DOES bother you more than that. And since you decided it was worth a new thread on a discussion board, what possible logic do you have for seeming to get upset when I reply? I didn’t yell at you. I didn’t say you were evil for posting your point of view. I simply disagreed—very mildly—with your opinion.

You have your opinion. “Jimmy” has his. I have mine. That’s sort of what a discussion board is about.

And your analogy only works for people who look at ladies as disposable. Some folks do, some don’t. From your OP you seem to scorn the “lady” reference. Words do have meaning, especially when you use them to refer to people. I wonder what word you prefer? Originally Posted by Old-T
There are people who crave attention by becoming insiders who know the real nitty gritty about a celebrity, a sports team or a band. The Jimmies just apply this to escorts.

If this bothers you perhaps you should discuss it with the Jimmies. Tell them how much you disdain them and their waste of time and ask them to be more considerate of your time and feelings. Consider asking them to discuss and publicize what's going on in your life so they will have a more worthy topic. I am sure you can work it out. Be sure to report back because this is of universal importance to ECCIE nation. Originally Posted by awl4knot
Alright alright alright alright. Y'all have a good point that sort of works against you as well...it's just a discussion, so let's allow it to be in both directions. I'm just mocking a practice and wondering how prevalent it is. I'd venture to say that is the premise behind most threads. It isn't a personal thing, if I think of two guys who do this one is a-ok and the other isn't

Thanks for the 35 seconds Old T, times two. Let's take this lame ass thread of mine in that wonderful direction you pushed it by asking which word I would prefer. I frequently italicize lady for three reasons: the inflection is a funny part of Bill Burr's routine, it adds some slight to the polite use of the word, and it adds some slight to the rude use of the word. For me that works better than glamorizing some thieves by calling 'em courtesans or insulting some straight shooters by calling them whores.

So awl is probably right, just lady groupies of a sort. I think its cheesy, but I'm sure you'll be happy to know it doesn't bother me that much.
AmishGangster's Avatar
JC, visit Houston and watch team AXOXO in action, makes Upset look like romper room.

Jimmies should concentrate on having fun, busting balls and fucking funnels, not worrying about funnels.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-22-2014, 11:10 PM
Thanks for the 35 seconds Old T, times two. Let's take this lame ass thread of mine in that wonderful direction you pushed it by asking which word I would prefer. I frequently italicize lady for three reasons: the inflection is a funny part of Bill Burr's routine, it adds some slight to the polite use of the word, and it adds some slight to the rude use of the word. For me that works better than glamorizing some thieves by calling 'em courtesans or insulting some straight shooters by calling them whores.
I can buy that. Not much of a follower of comedy so I don't know who Bill Burr is, but that makes sense.

So awl is probably right, just lady groupies of a sort. I think its cheesy, but I'm sure you'll be happy to know it doesn't bother me that much. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Actually, yes I'm glad it is more a minor annoyance or humorous sidelight.. That kind of thing really isn't worth higher blood pressure for any of us. Stay safe out there.