Possible relocation to SA

rxram03's Avatar
Originally from Fort Worth, TX and I've been living in Las Cruces, NM for the past year (work related). There is a possibility for me to relocate to San Antonio sometime this coming year (fingers crossed because to be honest NM, especially Las Cruces, SUCKS). I haven't been to San Antonio since I was in high school so I'm sure the city has changed since then. What areas of the city are the best to live in and which areas are the ones to stay out of?
San Antonio is full of "pocket" areas. You can, seriously, be in a very nice area and, two blocks down the road, it's a different story. You will be best served by finding a realtor who is a long term resident of San Antonio and has your best interest at heart. Everybody has different priorities when it comes to areas where they would like to live.

Good luck!
