Elizabeth Warren for President: A True Democrat!!!

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Sorry, "Tea Party GOP", but I know women have a strong vote and we will vote for this woman who gives of herself to help all people. Vote for a woman: we never start wars to exploit the government funds! We are about being fair. . .to all!

She is my favorite, she tries to make changes (important changes) in the "White House", and besides that, "women are better at negotiating"


I support Liz Warren and so do a majority of true democrats. . .sorry, "Tea Party" people!!!
Sorry, "Tea Party GOP", but I know women have a strong vote and we will vote for this woman who gives of herself to help all people. Vote for a woman: we never start wars to exploit the government funds! We are about being fair. . .to all!

She is my favorite, she tries to make changes (important changes) in the "White House", and besides that, "women are better at negotiating"


I support Liz Warren and so do a majority of true democrats. . .sorry, "Tea Party" people!!! Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
You have the right to support whoever you wish, but here's the reality of presidential candidates. First of all if Elizabeth Warren is truly sincere and has the desire to empower and help the people in this country and abroad, she won't even be nominated. The best candidates are never nominated now days. Being that the law of averages is what it is, in 2016 we'll either see a Republican president elected. Most likely it will look something like a Jeb Bush (R), Hillary Clinton(D) show down with Bush being elected. Or a worse case scenario would be Obama orchestrating a reason to initiate Martial Law to stifle or halt the 2016 election, which wouldn't be to far fetch considering the shit he's been pulling for the last six plus years that he has been allowed to get away with. Besides why would you support Elizabeth Warren anyway? Her pitch to help all people sounds just as nonsensical as Obama's "Hope and Change" slogan. Do you really think presidents have our best interest in mind? This country is fading fast. The only way it can be saved is by us not elected idiots.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You do realize that the Tea Party was against the budget deal as well? As for Liz being a true democrat, she has said publicly that she is a socialist. So there you go.
Since women have never been in charge of the White House I don't think there is much of a record of women not voting for war. However, Hillary the Sainted did vote for the war in Afghanistan and Iraq so I guess you're wrong.
rioseco's Avatar
Sorry, "Tea Party GOP", but I know women have a strong vote and we will vote for this woman who gives of herself to help all people. Vote for a woman: we never start wars to exploit the government funds! We are about being fair. . .to all!

She is my favorite, she tries to make changes (important changes) in the "White House", and besides that, "women are better at negotiating"


I support Liz Warren and so do a majority of true democrats. . .sorry, "Tea Party" people!!! Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Liz is just a different flavor of Hilliary !
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Liz wants to break up CitiGroup. She can't be all bad.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I would also like someone to explain exactly what a "true democrat" is. I'm not sure people know anymore. In the 1960s democrats believed in the United States, served in the military, and were as patriotic as the republicans. They are not that now. Same thing about liberals. A liberal from 200 years ago sounds like a modern conservative today. The opposite is true as well. A modern liberal sounds amazingly like a traditional conservative.

So tell me, what is a "true democrat" and how can you tell if you meet one?
LexusLover's Avatar
...women have a strong vote and we will vote for this woman ....

http://s1164.photobucket.com/user/ho...tml?sort=3&o=3 ... Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Women do have a strong vote, but not all women would vote for "Liz" ...

... by the way ....

What's on her menu?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Oh, we would not only be the first woman president but also the first woman native American Indian (feather not dot).. Unlike most democrats, you could not pay me to vote for her.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The fact that she is a woman ( I think ) is totally irrevelent.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 12-18-2014, 07:28 AM
The fact that she is a woman ( I think ) is totally irrevelent. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Your point is as irreverent as you and your spelling.
Sorry, "Tea Party GOP", but I know women have a strong vote and we will vote for this woman who gives of herself to help all people. Vote for a woman: we never start wars to exploit the government funds! We are about being fair. . .to all!

She is my favorite, she tries to make changes (important changes) in the "White House", and besides that, "women are better at negotiating"


I support Liz Warren and so do a majority of true democrats. . .sorry, "Tea Party" people!!! Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Do not speak for all women. Some of us are smarter than to vote with our twat.
rioseco's Avatar
Do not speak for all women. Some of us are smarter than to vote with our twat. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

+ 1
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Oh, we would not only be the first woman president but also the first woman native American Indian (feather not dot).. Unlike most democrats, you could not pay me to vote for her. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
she is not "feather"ed either, google it,

a typical democrat, she lied
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Sorry, "Tea Party GOP", but I know women have a strong vote and we will vote for this woman who gives of herself to help all people. Vote for a woman: we never start wars to exploit the government funds! We are about being fair. . .to all!

She is my favorite, she tries to make changes (important changes) in the "White House", and besides that, "women are better at negotiating"


I support Liz Warren and so do a majority of true democrats. . .sorry, "Tea Party" people!!! Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
I actually like her standing up to the large banks and Wall Street, but her previous false claim of Indian heritage is a serious liability for a politician, and an insult to the people who the US government stole the land from to form America!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Warren is so stupid she couldn't resolve her own genealogy with an inexpensive blood test.

You do realize that the Tea Party was against the budget deal as well? As for Liz being a true democrat, she has said publicly that she is a socialist. So there you go.
Since women have never been in charge of the White House I don't think there is much of a record of women not voting for war. However, Hillary the Sainted did vote for the war in Afghanistan and Iraq so I guess you're wrong.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Wrong! One of the promotional memes for the 19th Amendment following WWI was that women's suffrage would end war. The record now shows otherwise.