Sometimes I can be really stupid

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
No comments about the qualifier, "sometimes."

So I sent an email on Tuesday to one of my regulars, asking if I could see her Wednesday or Thursday. She had previously said she would be unavailable on Friday. No response.

So, with my hobby money burning a hole in my pocket, I dropped by her house today (I knew she was going to be away until a certain time) and 1) left a gift card for one of her kids' birthday, 2) left a welcome mat at her front door (she didn't have one, and I figured I'd buy one to leave the card under, 3) left her some flowers, and 4) spread five bags of mulch in her shrub beds to help keep the weeds down after spraying them with Round-Up.

Then I went back to my office, shut the door, and pretended I'd spent my hobby money more wisely.

Like I said, sometimes ....
theshadow00's Avatar
Did even get a thank you from her?
You went by her house when you thought she would not be there and did stuff around the outside of the house after she didn't answer your email from days prior??? Am I understanding you right?
That was very thoughtful of you! (you won me over with the kids' bday gift)
but... I dnt know how I would feel abt someone coming by unannouced AND while I wasn't home.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
THN, that's right. I won't say the relationship is "special," but when we text back and forth nearly every day for months, it's certainly a little different than the relationships that most people in this hobby have. And, she knew I was coming by -- I had asked when I could drop off the gift card, and she provided the window in which she would not be home and told me to leave it at the door. I'm not totally stupid -- I would never show up unannounced when there's a chance she would be home.

Those of you expressing skepticism are probably thinking "stalker" and viewing this in the context of a standard hobby relationship. It's a little more than that, and you'll just have to trust me when I tell you that I knew she'd be okay with it -- especially, again, because she provided the window and said it was okay to drop the GC by. The flowers were a hit, BTW.
billw1032's Avatar
She told you to come by when she would not be home? Doesn't that seem a little strange?
I totally misread part of your post. My apologies.
That was very thougtful of you.
So what exactly are you saying? Why are you "stupid"?
She knew you were coming by today at that specific knew she wasn't there...all parties knew what was going down. I don't get it....sounds like you're in love dude
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
LOL. Love? Call it a strong friendship that's developed OTC over the last year.

"Stupid" because for all the money I spent on the GC, flowers, welcome mat, RoundUp and mulch, I could have gotten laid. Or at least a BJ.

Doubly stupid because I'm not sure that I regret not having done so.
I want an invite to the wedding.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
No comments about the qualifier, "sometimes."

So I sent an email on Tuesday to one of my regulars, asking if I could see her Wednesday or Thursday. She had previously said she would be unavailable on Friday. No response.

So, with my hobby money burning a hole in my pocket, I dropped by her house today (I knew she was going to be away until a certain time) and 1) left a gift card for one of her kids' birthday, 2) left a welcome mat at her front door (she didn't have one, and I figured I'd buy one to leave the card under, 3) left her some flowers, and 4) spread five bags of mulch in her shrub beds to help keep the weeds down after spraying them with Round-Up.

Then I went back to my office, shut the door, and pretended I'd spent my hobby money more wisely.

Like I said, sometimes .... Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
OK - this is a joke, right? Good one!
So, you did all that for her and are now saying how stupid you were for doing it? Did you do it just to come on here and brag about it then? I'm confused.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Me, too. I can't decide whether it was a request for approval or an act of public penance. Either way, I intended it more as a self-effacing post than a brag.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I want an invite to the wedding. Originally Posted by thathottnurse

I hope this is a joke bro, I mean from what i can recall you've always sounded like you have it all together upstairs.

I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think we are supposed to be doing landscaping, bithday gifts for kids, and shit like that. And I'm not trying to be a dick, but maybe it's time to take a little break or find a new girl. One who will put you in your place when you get too close, if you're prone to doing this. But I guess as long as both of yall are cool with it, there is technically no foul here. But it just seems like a little overboard to me.