Review So full of crap.

Date: 01-13-15
Provider: Bombshell Betty
Phone: 817-583-9765
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: Haltom City
State: Texas
Address: Off of 121 and Beach Street
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: wasting my time
Session Length: -
Fee: -
Hair Length and Color: n/a read review
Age: 30's
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: n/a read review
Recommendation: No
Guest101516's Avatar
I'll let the other fellas chime in on this one...LOL
sparrow1122's Avatar
Hate being lied to?!?!
IOP must be very low on your list.
I hope you have an ATF you can stick with.
Mojojo's Avatar
Ncns go here..
aubie79's Avatar
Alrighty then

So Aubie, what are the odds that Taylor will go 80's with her hair? Or get fat and sing like a moose with a head cold when she gets old?

On a side note:

Can the "I didn't get no fine pussy" whiners PUHLEEEEZE get their own forum? Thatchubbynurse had her own for a while and it's been almost neglected to death. Maybe the same could happen to appointment disenchantment whining, you know, out of sight, out of mind?
Thanks for your reported experience with Betty. It is not a NCNS, but bad TCB skills insomuch that she kept canceling on you. It may have been legit or she was fucking with you and she just wanted to keep you out on a limb. After a day or two of not returning your texts/PMs, it is time to move on and go see another provider, review her and that will indirectly rub it in her face that the money you spent could have been hers.

I saw her back in March 2014, had a great time and did a review. I requested an OK on p411 afterwards and she did not give it to me. I was nice, gave her the proper donation and did not overstay my time, but she did not respond to my request nor to my PM to ask her why. My guess is the pics she has in her now deleted showcase on her profile were airbrushed to say the least, to smooth out all the stretch out skin she has due to substantial weight loss, and she may have been offended since I put that in the physical description of her in my review. So from then on, I request and receive my p411 OK from the provider before posting my review on her!
Not even a NCNS . Other than the time spent texting, don't even see that she wasted your time . Dude, move on. You wasted more time and energy typing this than it was worth. Not to mention the time of the guys reading this to see if there was an actual problem. And learn how to read instructions. Not a review, not an NCNS, and you put it in the wrong forum.

I can see why a provider might not want to give Bigdog an OK. Maybe she did not want other providers relying on her OK as a referral to see him.

So Aubie, what are the odds that Taylor will go 80's with her hair? Or get fat and sing like a moose with a head cold when she gets old?

On a side note:

Can the "I didn't get no fine pussy" whiners PUHLEEEEZE get their own forum? Thatchubbynurse had her own for a while and it's been almost neglected to death. Maybe the same could happen to appointment disenchantment whining, you know, out of sight, out of mind? Originally Posted by phildo
Phildo, I think...Aubie's avatar is Stevie Nicks from Fleetwood Mac...not Taylor Shifty. And hot damn...she looks 16 in that pic...

Yeah, not a NC/NS...even tho he never used that acronym. You have to drive to her incall and get the silent treatment, or, look out your window for a day or so wondering where she is for an outcall.
Welp, thunder only happens when it's rainin' ...
TexTushHog's Avatar
It's not a "no show," it's a "no response" or "she isn't responding quickly enough" alert??!!

It gets my goat a bit when women (or anybody, really) doesn't run their business well. But the answer to that is not to do business with them again.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I'm trying to figure out why taking a cheap shot at thehotnurse is really needed here?

Hate being lied to?!?!
IOP must be very low on your list.
I hope you have an ATF you can stick with. Originally Posted by sparrow1122
So, you enjoy being lied to?

I'm trying to figure out why taking a cheap shot at thehotnurse is really needed here?

Ugh.... Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Because I was also trying to schedule for January 20th, which is the same day of service for the following link.
It's not a "no show," it's a "no response" or "she isn't responding quickly enough" alert??!!

It gets my goat a bit when women (or anybody, really) doesn't run their business well. But the answer to that is not to do business with them again. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Don't worry. I won't

Btw, she had a over a FULL week to respond. Define "she isn't responding quickly enough".