Any body else seeing this

Samcro84's Avatar
Between the heading on first page it has. Had couple of weeks but went away.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Probably a default label in the vBulletin underlying system used to operate the site.
Think subdirectory label in a hierarchical system.
Perhaps the actual label tag became disassociated.
Samcro84's Avatar
Just wierd to have on an sex site
FoulRon's Avatar
In computer parlance, the parent-child relationship is often used as a metaphor for any construct that creates a path from one node to another. In this case sub-forums are probably referred to as child forums of their containing, or parent, forum by the original coders.
No big deal. It's your mind giving it the illicit connotation.
Samcro84's Avatar
I am in computers, damn completely missed that.

Thanks FoulRon