The head of Gallup calls 5.6 unemployment a lie

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
the man knows the numbers and you can't argue with them but go ahead and try idiots
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah. You're right.

You can't argue with Gallup's numbers.

They are definitely Gallup's numbers!


What say you, Idiot Klan, err, Clan?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
JD you are a fucking idiot do you understand the meaning of the word "opinion"? You know the old saying opinion is like assholes ...., Post me a link that says its a fact. If the unemployment rate was 2 percent you are always going to have a percentage of that population that stopped looking for work- it's known as an outlier.
You know every 10 years when the United States does it census - aren't there some homes who report incorrect numbers then you add the fact that many homeless won't be counted. I bet you have a job. I see now hiring signs all over dipshit.
It would make your day if the unemployment rate was greater than 10 percent. You only want to hear good economic news when there is a republican President in office. You can't stomach that Obama is president and has the economy heading the right way- what a low life piece of shit you and your party have become - so sad!
It isn't an opinion you idiot; you are as clueless as Obama.

The manner in which the BLS collects data and determines the unemployment rate is not an opinion.

It is a fact that if you, a family member or anyone is unemployed and has subsequently given up on finding a job -- if you are so hopelessly out of work that you've stopped looking over the past four weeks -- the Department of Labor doesn't count you as unemployed. That's right. While you are as unemployed as one can possibly be, and tragically may never find work again, you are not counted in the figure we see relentlessly in the news -- currently 5.6%. Right now, as many as 30 million Americans are either out of work or severely underemployed. Trust me, the vast majority of them aren't throwing parties to toast "falling" unemployment.


JD you are a fucking idiot do you understand the meaning of the word "opinion"? You know the old saying opinion is like assholes ...., Post me a link that says its a fact. If the unemployment rate was 2 percent you are always going to have a percentage of that population that stopped looking for work- it's known as an outlier.
You know every 10 years when the United States does it census - aren't there some homes who report incorrect numbers then you add the fact that many homeless won't be counted. I bet you have a job. I see now hiring signs all over dipshit.
It would make your day if the unemployment rate was greater than 10 percent. You only want to hear good economic news when there is a republican President in office. You can't stomach that Obama is president and has the economy heading the right way- what a low life piece of shit you and your party have become - so sad! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another "editorialization?"
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Yeah. You're right.

You can't argue with Gallup's numbers.

They are definitely Gallup's numbers!


What say you, Idiot Klan, err, Clan? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It is a simple enough story to read to get a better understanding of the numbers. Do you really think the system is getting gamed a little? Read the story and see if you think it is not true.
One of the biggest problems we have at this time is a college degree today is the equivalent of what a high school diploma was when most of us were kids.
In short, the workplace is saturated with people with so called educations that are worthless as far as making a living is concerned. They are not really "underemployed" as all of this would have us believe, they are simply what their so called educations prepared them for.

I suppose the joke is people are paying thousands and thousands of dollars for an education that is no better in preparing them for today's workforce than a free high school education did 30 years ago.

In my business, a College degree is not required. I do require the men I employ to have a high school diploma. After 4 years with us, they will be making at least 70,000 a year, depending on the amount of overtime they are able to put in through the year. That is, if they stick it out snd put forth the effort to learn the trade.They will have very marketable skills that will insure them employment even if they decide to work somewhere else in the future.

We now have 15 men working in our shop. All, except two, were trained by us. We try to get young men who like working with their hands, and enjoy a sense of accomplishment in seeing a job started and completed.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
JD you are a fucking idiot do you understand the meaning of the word "opinion"? You know the old saying opinion is like assholes ...., Post me a link that says its a fact. If the unemployment rate was 2 percent you are always going to have a percentage of that population that stopped looking for work- it's known as an outlier.
You know every 10 years when the United States does it census - aren't there some homes who report incorrect numbers then you add the fact that many homeless won't be counted. I bet you have a job. I see now hiring signs all over dipshit.
It would make your day if the unemployment rate was greater than 10 percent. You only want to hear good economic news when there is a republican President in office. You can't stomach that Obama is president and has the economy heading the right way- what a low life piece of shit you and your party have become - so sad! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Hello Moron, I already posted the link two days ago to the BLS and said go to page 29 of 41. You obviously either didn't do it or someone didn't read the post to you. That statistic says that there are over 10% of the American people who are either unemployed, underemployed, or have just given up. Obama lied to you, accept it. Also, despite what you claim, there are over 20 million LESS Americans working now than in 2009.

I don't have to be upset about anything except idiots who can't see the signs in front of their faces and are either too stupid or too corrupt to accept facts. Yes, I just insulted you in case you missed that too.

I want to hear honest news no matter who is in office which is something that you can't say.
LexusLover's Avatar are always going to have a percentage of that population that stopped looking for work- it's known as an outlier. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Is an "outlier" an "unemployed" person?
LexusLover's Avatar
You obviously either didn't do it or someone didn't read the post to you. That statistic says that there are over 10% of the American people who are either unemployed, underemployed, or have just given up. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD ... please don't forget ....

....NotWellEndowed doesn't pay attention to GOVERNMENT information.

He believes it's all a bunch of lies when the GOVERNMENT says it.
BigLouie's Avatar
I suspect the only reason this was posted is because Obama is President. I suspect it had been reported like this for a very long time and will continue to be reported like this in the future. Basically a non story unless you hate Obama
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I suspect (and since I posted it I think I know) that someone (that's me!) wanted the truth to be out there (and to make WE look bad). Now why the head of Gallup wrote'll have to ask him.

Odd that you miss the story and only focus on the motivation of just the poster and not the author.
boardman's Avatar
They're always playing with the numbers. I don't even pay it much attention.
What struck me as a little odd is the guy writing the article is out of touch with today's workforce.

A good job is an individual's primary identity, their very self-worth, their dignity -- it establishes the relationship they have with their friends, community and country.

Having managed Baby Boomers to Millennials I can tell you this statement is not the case for Millennials.
As a group, they do not get their identity, self worth and dignity from their jobs. Sure there are individuals who do not fit that mold.
It actually comes from the relationships they have. Their jobs are secondary. What their family, and more importantly, their friends think of them is way more important to them than what their employer thinks of them. It's a major paradigm shift from previous generations and the inability of employers to understand that shift has led to a lot of turnover of otherwise good employees. There are a lot of reasons for this but that statement just isn't accurate.

Around the turn of the century I started making a point of telling younger hires that I understand that their family and their free time is the most important thing in their lives but that the job I am entrusting them with allows them to enjoy that family and free time on a higher level. My expectation is for them to find a reasonable balance and a certain degree of dedication to their job that allows them to keep it. Gone are the days of telling someone "If you can't perform your job, I'll find someone who will". They'll walk on you in a second.
LexusLover's Avatar
What their family, and more importantly, their friends think of them is way more important to them than what their employer thinks of them.

They'll walk on you in a second. Originally Posted by boardman
If they "walk" they can go home and live with mommy or crash at a friend's "place" ....

... you forgot one other determining factor of "who they are" ...... what they drive.
boardman's Avatar
If they "walk" they can go home and live with mommy or crash at a friend's "place" ....

... you forgot one other determining factor of "who they are" ...... what they drive. Originally Posted by LexusLover
And that's exactly what they'll do.

You may be right about the vehicles but from what I've seen I think the vehicle status was maybe more important to Gen X. I'm not sure Millennials care quite as much. To them a vehicle is a way to get from point A to point B. If they don't have a vehicle they're the ones using Uber.

I'm not trashing the Millennials, they just have different priorities than I have. What is interesting is that if you follow the Strauss-Howe Generational theory Millennials are the next Hero generation. The last Hero generation is also known as "the greatest generation"