Date: 2/2
Provider: Ann Walker
Phone: 6016880234
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: Jackson
State: Mississippi
Address: Mid-scale hotel with low activity around
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Yes
Activities: Convo, Lfk, striptease, lapdance, bbbj, cfs, mish, bbbj, sideways, bbbj, doggie, bbbj, lingere modeling, bbbj, mish, bbbj.... Should be understood that there was several wrappers and msog that seemed like it could keep going for longer than I should have lasted.
Session Length: 2 hr
Fee: $$$.5
Hair Length and Color: Light to dark blond with all shades between. Past shoulder and above chest.
Age: 38
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Taller that any other provider that I've saw. Curves to support and call attention to areas that demand caressing.
Recommendation: Yes