Smitten.Kitten51 NC/NS

We agreed all terms and set the appointment to be held at 12:30 PM her incall. Tried text and calling for the rendezvous location at 11:50 AM but no response, tried again the next several 15 minutes, still no go. Such pity as I was looking forward seeing her.
Maybe she thinks you're that psycho motherfucker she posted about. My mistake, I mean maybe she "knows" you're that psycho motherfucker she posted about.
She has every reasons in the world to cast any doubts, but on a professional level, I rather hearing a "No" than just get completely stood up.
Hey man, a word of advice, get over it. You may improve her business by doing the batshit crazy things you are doing. Actually, a lot of us may want to see her now. She must be freakin' amazing to make one such as yourself go all "Dante Michael Soiu" over her (look it up).

Also, grow the fuck up!!! You're new to ECCIE and your first post is a NCNS, for smitten kitten? Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit, My 2 year old nephew can figure that out.
It seems you are the one having problems....I'm only here to state a provider for nc/ns peacefully, and you just jumped in, started pointing finger and accusing people. And don't worry bud, I will definitely have more fun on my trip to Seattle the next few days.

Oh don't believe the nc/ns? I still got the series of texts on my phone right now.

Again, this problem is between me and Ms. Smitten.Kitten51, I am willing to appease any miscommunication with her and only her, strictly a contractual agreement matter between client & provider. As for you DarkeyKong, please butt out unless you know both sides of the story.
Ok, sorry man, I apologize if I came off rather harshly, just a little stressed out by having nothing to do at work. Have fun in Seattle, give Jimi Hendrix my regards!
Mr. Rogers's Avatar
DK, I actually thought the same as you. There is to much shit going on for this to be a coincidence.

OP, if you truly got stood up, then sorry to hear that but it happens to all of us. However, if you are her stalker then you really need to find something better to do with your time. It's creepy as hell and the word is going to get out on you if you keep this up.
I got a text from her about an hour ago stating she overslept (don't think this is the first time she done so), guess that's solved the mystery.
Contractual agreement? That doesn't exist because there isn't any legally binding paperwork signed by either parties. I believe you meant it's a verbal agreement.

So you jump on the board and blast smitten.kitten51 within less than 2 hours since the agreed time. Not cool. You realize something could've happened, like an illness or accident, out of her control and possibly limited communications.

You're too quick to pull the trigger. Give at least 24 - 48 hours for her to respond before posting anything. Imagine if something happened to you and she came unglued in the same manner.

corona's Avatar
contract pussy? shit, I've been buying free agent pussy this whole time!!
bored@home's Avatar
It seems you are the one having problems....I'm only here to state a provider for nc/ns peacefully, and you just jumped in, started pointing finger and accusing people. And don't worry bud, I will definitely have more fun on my trip to Seattle the next few days.

Oh don't believe the nc/ns? I still got the series of texts on my phone right now.

Again, this problem is between me and Ms. Smitten.Kitten51, I am willing to appease any miscommunication with her and only her, strictly a contractual agreement matter between client & provider. As for you DarkeyKong, please butt out unless you know both sides of the story. Originally Posted by BackdoorExplorer
Between you two but you post in public.... Makes total sense
theshadow00's Avatar
Hmm this looks fishy to me? I could be wrong I'm just saying