NCNS from Taryn

I was to see her 2x this last week and had the same experience both occasions. The first, she described(a day later) how her phone broke and she could not communicate at all. Mine did the same day, tho I could text or call online, so I rescheduled(usually give 1 benefit of the doubt to an established lady). Got to second appointment time and nothing again.

Both occasions we texted til late the night before and had a lunchtime appt the next day. I traveled an hr each direction to meet her and upon arriving in her town messaged and called for location only to get *crickets*.

I was quite excited to meet her, but do not plan to travel again to do so.
yteranger's Avatar
Sorry that happened to ya man. I saw her once about 6 months ago. She was 4 hours late for an appointment that I scheduled a few days in advance. She was very apologetic and communicated well during the time she was delayed. Our session was kinda forgettable so I've never bothered to try her again based on the experience as a whole. I'm sure there's another side to the story but it's hard not to feel jaded after a ncns. And after two.....I don't know if I'd give someone a chance for a 3rd.
SMH sorry this happened, obviously not someone who values clients, there are other great providers around sweets, providers that dont do that...
DallasRain's Avatar
sorry that happened

Hope ya get lucky soon!
Thanks all. I hate to share such a bad experience with everyone, but felt it needed shared in case it was a trend I was unaware of.

Her and I had messaged many times over many weeks trying to set up a meeting. She had always been great at responding reasonably timed until this.

Maybe she will chime in and try to work this out if she sees the thread. I would still like to meet her.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I hope she is OK.
I hope she is OK. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
I see she posted an ad today
I did hear back from her! She offered to reschedule in her town and possibly be able to make the trip to my area, if I secured the host location.

I will report back next if we are able to work it out.
Well, she has clearly moved on as if nothing happened. I guess wasting our time does not matter enough to some to inconvenience themselves in any way to make it right.

However, we all know if a gent ncns a provider that he is blacklisted or not scheduled with again unless he prepays for the time.

oh well
Gladiator69's Avatar
Well Joe, I see Taryn pretty regular and she has said she has tried to reschedule with you and that you have been unable to make it work. The week of your "ncns" she did have problems with both her phone (she broke 2 in 1 week and I saw the reciepts) and her car (shit happens in this cold ass weather) as I had a date with her as well, BUT she has more than made it up to me. She does have a life outside of this so sometimes you have to be patient, but I promise you she is worth the wait. Not white knighting here...just telling it like it is, But maybe it's all for the best that you have moved on, since everything we say on do on a online hooker board can't be unsaid. Better luck with the next one
  • Taryn
  • 02-26-2015, 10:45 AM
Hey guys Taryn chiming in here :-) in late December I had surgery, did not post during this time, when recovered I purchased a vehicle that gave me hell, motor went out wishing 24 hrs had to send to shop, then had both of my iPhone's shatter. Besides being a provider I am also a full time single mother I'm not asking for any pats on the back, just a little understanding that things do happen and since this I asked would he be willing to work with me so we could finally meet and he sent back this text-
I would love to try meeting you again, have really wanted to meet you for a while now! However, I cannot travel for next week or 2. Any chance you're coming to, my area, QC, in near future?
So I replied with this because I wanted to do what was right to make up for it...
If your willing to host I could swing by on way home possibly Tom?
And get a final reply on February 19th at 6:50 pm & this is what he said
Tmrow- Monday is full
�� I'm very sorry to the gentleman above who was not satisfied by my services!
I try if able to reply immediately to any appointment requests that come through on here, email, text! I also try to always be on time and provide 100% satisfaction to my clients! I have many regular clients on this site that know me well and know that if there's ever a time I do not show or respond something has happened but I will always do my best to make it right :-) Have a good day faces!!! MUAHHHH TARYN THE ORAL GODDESS
She reached out to me today. conversation went well.