Anal Fails?

New here and excited to see such frank discussions.

I developed a preference for Greek play from a partner who didn't enjoy it if she was "prepared" to the standard usually seen in American porn. Her reasoning that a thorough enema washed away the protective natural lubrication. She loved ass play, and loved a good buggering with lots of lube. It wasn't my thing--at first--but she would experience thunderous orgasms so I rolled with it.

Several years on, I still enjoy Greek, and since sexual imprinting is weird, I still associate intensity and spontanaeity with a dirty dick. My SO is scrupulously clean (she actually gets off on prep as part of the play) but I find myself gravitating to videos, cam chats and even providers criticized by reviewers for not prepping properly.

It's a tough topic to broach with pros, as providers presume it's going to turn into some kind of euroscat thing. I play safe and respect the health and safety of my partner.

Is there a "term of art" for this kind of thing other than "light" scat or caviar?

Thanks all!
AAG's Avatar
  • AAG
  • 02-23-2015, 01:56 PM
So Chili Dogs is your thing?

Not mine I prefer them to prep or diet preluding an appointment .
burkalini's Avatar
Greek is my thing also but the cleaner the better.
yeah kinda gross if you dont clean all of your self out btw your GF was totally wrong...
thecooldude's Avatar
First I would like to try to answer the OP's question and then give my. 02 worth. Always remember there is a feish for every kind of people. I don't know what else you can call it other than scat play or maybe light scat or greek scat (I don't know ). But I'm sure there is a scat community out there that serve your needs.
In my early years of greek play, I was fascinated about doing it and not educated in the prep work involved. In my first experience, I was fortunate to have a partner who understood the prep work and she gave me a very pleasant experience. My next few ventures wasn't so pleasant...didn't like the "chili on the dog". Anal(s)will fall. I prefer prep work on the lady's part, lube and gentleness on my part.

Always remember greek lovers, if you do the plumbing in the sewer, shit will happen, so don't freak out when it does.
Guest010619's Avatar
Some people have a tough enough time getting around the fact that some like to suck and lick assholes. There are those in varying degrees of what they'll put their mouths on. I know some providers who will refuse to kiss if you lick their anus, and some who are more than happy to french kiss both ends.
While I'm also a Greek lover, I like my booty clean clean clean, and I got very squeamish when I saw my first scat eating video. So, if you find them... Great. Have at it.
Just hope you use lots of mouthwash.

That said, I'm grateful that God created proctologists. I never really understood why one would want to look at assholes all day.
Other than eatting a healthy diet, and having a good shower before playing, I have never done any kind of prep. The prolific love of enemas is really an American thing, and most people from other countries laugh about it. More than occassional use of enemas can cause intestinal muscle failure or hyponatremia.

Chetwood, I am sure there are many ladies who love anal but do not use enemas. Have fun!!!
NotWhoUThink's Avatar
I thought enemas were a german favorite... might be wrong...
Thou shatt not attempt "gaping" (the quick withdrawal and re-entry of the penis) during greek unless said recipient has been cleaned out. Warning. Trust me on this.