Review A HELL NO NadiaLuv PLease go back to Backpage

Date: 3-1-15
Provider: NadiaLuv
Phone: 6468586924
Email Address: N/A
URL / Website:
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: 635 and Coit
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: Nothing...
Session Length: 15 mins
Fee: 60 but upsold to 80...
Hair Length and Color: No clue..
Age: 20ish
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Black/African
Physical Description: -
Mrmarvin's Avatar
Thanks for the heads up
jerkn2u's Avatar
That sucks... Her pics are sexy as hell too...

yeah shes seems like an up seller someone paid an extra 40 for review pics.. Last I checked shouldn't a provider want a client to put pics in his review... It helps her business...
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
Because i was very busy yesterday i tried to make time but i couldnt thanks sir for that horrible review but everyone can check my other reviews all yes"s and they all will tell you.. Patience is key mr. Ebonylvver....oh and another thing the guy paid extra for personal pics not an upseller i have set rates and specials just like other providers
Damn dude sounds salty as hell..
A simple NCNS in co-ed woulda have sufficed..
ManSlut's Avatar
Because i was very busy yesterday i tried to make time but i couldnt thanks sir for that horrible review but everyone can check my other reviews all yes"s and they all will tell you.. Patience is key mr. Ebonylvver....oh and another thing the guy paid extra for personal pics not an upseller i have set rates and specials just like other providers Originally Posted by NadiaLuv
Thanks, but it is against the Rules for providers to post comments on reviews. It never looks good when providers respond to reviews and you have few reviews. My advice to you is let it go.

Also, patience is not the key. Gentlemen not having to put up with bullshit is the key.
ManSlut's Avatar
Damn dude sounds salty as hell..
A simple NCNS in co-ed woulda have sufficed.. Originally Posted by NubianPrince
I don't have my PA back but how do you figure it was a NCNS when he paid a fee and had a session length of 15 mins?...smh
It pays to have premium access.
Randall Creed's Avatar
He posted in co-ed, a review in co-ed.

What the hell's that? Why can't she post in co-ed, since he put the review in the wrong place?
I read it that he never saw her or never paid her, he just sat in his car and got pissed, which is understandable after driving to her location twice and calling and texting her and getting minimal to no response, than finally left after 15 mins of no response. She is a pretty girl though.

Patience is not the key here NadiaLuv, not at all. Premium hourly rates are being provided to you for premium customer service. We expect and should receive promptness, cleanliness and service equal to those of premium rates. For example the prompt and awesome service one would get when going to a 5star restaurant or staying in a 5star hotel, not going to McD's and being asked to pull ahead then having to wait 5 to 15 minutes for a hamburger that is only good enough for making a terd, or staying at the motel 6 and being afraid of what was not recently cleaned and having to carry your own bags. If you were too busy you should have stated that up front, apologized and offered to reschedule not just blow him off.

His time was spent traveling to your location...twice. Valuable time and expensive gas were consumed and then you ignored him pretty much by not being upfront and responding in a timely manner. When you are expecting a customer to be arriving your focus should be on that customer making them feel valued and appreciated making them want to return for your great customer service.

I agree this is in co-ed she should be able to respond all she wants.
Lowkey4me's Avatar
I read it that he never saw her or never paid her, he just sat in his car and got pissed, which is understandable after driving to her location twice and calling and texting her and getting minimal to no response, than finally left after 15 mins of no response. She is a pretty girl though.

Patience is not the key here NadiaLuv, not at all. Premium hourly rates are being provided to you for premium customer service. We expect and should receive promptness, cleanliness and service equal to those of premium rates. For example the prompt and awesome service one would get when going to a 5star restaurant or staying in a 5star hotel, not going to McD's and being asked to pull ahead then having to wait 5 to 15 minutes for a hamburger that is only good enough for making a terd, or staying at the motel 6 and being afraid of what was not recently cleaned and having to carry your own bags. If you were too busy you should have stated that up front, apologized and offered to reschedule not just blow him off.

His time was spent traveling to your location...twice. Valuable time and expensive gas were consumed and then you ignored him pretty much by not being upfront and responding in a timely manner. When you are expecting a customer to be arriving your focus should be on that customer making them feel valued and appreciated making them want to return for your great customer service.

I agree this is in co-ed she should be able to respond all she wants. Originally Posted by goofy11
Yup, that sounds about right. I few weeks ago I went through the same circus with her in El Paso. After having to send a dick pic, room pic, face pic, and the back and forth.... I was promised 3 different times for her to show up at my outcall while there on business.. needless to say, while i could have been confirming with another provider to come handle my travel needs, Nadia bumps back our time twice then promises they she will be there... then to never showed up or even give me a call. I like the OP was very ecstatic about her looks and wanted to try, but at the end of the day, left me high and dry... literally.

I didn't care to post a NCNS in El Paso since most of their activities is low and she was visiting like I. But personally, I can vouch for the inconsistencies and unprofessionalism when confirming and KEEPING appointments. Just my 2 pennies
He didnt even see me sir at all he didnt pay for anything
ManSlut's Avatar
He posted in co-ed, a review in co-ed.

What the hell's that? Why can't she post in co-ed, since he put the review in the wrong place? Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
When I made my comment about the provider posting comments I thought the thread was still in the review section and she was violating the Rules. Now that it is in Coed she absolutely can say whatever she wishes. The OP should not have written this in a review/paid for services format if he didn't see her and should have just written a NCNS thread.

But she doesn't seem to get it and this thread hopefully can help her to make changes. But, so few rarely do....Smh
ManSlut's Avatar
He didnt even see me sir at all he didnt pay for anything Originally Posted by NadiaLuv
Did you?:
1) Schedule an appt with the Gent
2) Confirm an exact location & time for the appt
3) Waste his time by failing to meet the client