Israel is the United States’ biggest welfare recipient

I'm tired of this joke of a PM coming to this country with his hands out begging for help while trying to act like a tough guy. Bibi is a joke and how can any supporter of his tell me why we're supporting Israel like we are?

Obama mops the floor with this slow speaking buffoon. Obama eloquently rebutted Bibi's drivel and made him look like a fool. As Obama said, Bibi gave his speech but he had ZERO solutions to the problem. Bibi would have us believe that all of these world leaders are working in tandem to ensure Israel suffers defeat at the hands of the Iranian terrorists. Get the fuck outta here with that mess.

Like Obama said yes we don't trust Iran, yes they're destabilizing the region, yes they're out to get Israel but none of that is the core issue. The core issue is how does the world work together to stop them from becoming a nuclear power and monitor them sufficiently and hold them accountable.

So let me pose this question to you Bibi supporters. What in the hell is the solution if not diplomacy? Are you folks seriously advocating that we go to war with Iran? Really is this what you're prepared for at this time with all of the other instability in the world. Go to war with Iran start a chain reaction with Russia and China as huge Iran supporters?

You folks don't have a clue (just like the Republican tea party house) about how this "game" should play out on a global scale. Bibi is saying make no deal but has ZERO explanations as to how to solve the problem. His speech was literally devoid of any substance. If he want's to go to war with Iran I say let him go at it alone. Even on a personal level the sane and rationale person always looks to talk to settle disputes before starting physical altercations as no one wins in cases like this. Same thing applies on a global scale. I am not for all this sabre rattling and trying to get America to send it's troops into harms way because this moron refuses to work a diplomatic solution in tandem with the WORLD community. He's free to send his citizens into harms way if it's that important to him. However, with as much money as we're giving he needs to thanking the President rather than being an ungrateful little weasel.

Back to my original point why are we helping these guys the way we are. They're literally the biggest welfare "state" / "country" in world history. Talk about socialism at it's finest.

Why are we paying for Israeli civil welfare, when we can’t even take care of our own citizens? Consider the facts: Israel’s unemployment rate (4.9 percent) is lower than the US unemployment rate (6.1 percent), in addition to the fact that the standard of living in Israel is high and is constantly improving—Israel ranks 16th among 187 world nations on the U.N.’s Human Development Index, which places it in the category of “Very Highly Developed”—not to mention they are among the highest life expectancy’s in the world. Israeli men have the fourth-highest life expectancy of any nation, according to recently released statistics from the World Health Organization. So, why does the U.S. give billions of taxpayers’ dollars to Israel? Do they really need it? According to Moshe Arens, a former foreign minister, defense minister and ambassador to Washington, “The partnership between the two countries results from pressure by the pro-Israeli lobby in Washington.” Empirical evidence collected from dozens of statistical consensus reports shows that not only does Israel not need U.S. aid, but they have a stronger economy than 162 nations in the world. Israel’s thriving economy is ranked 25th of 187 in income per capita, yet is the United States’ biggest welfare recipient.
How much American taxpayers’ aid has Israel received?
The Breakdown

Direct U.S. Aid to Israel (since 1948): $233.7 billion ($112 billion in nominal terms) with inflation adjusted. The U.S. started providing Israel with $208.6 million in aid per year ($100 in nominal terms) in civilian welfare in 1949. It rapidly grew to unfathomable amounts in the 1970’s with Israel receiving as much as $12.4 billion ($2.6 billion in nominal terms) in aid. Today, Israel receives a reported $3.1 billion from American taxpayers, of which $1.8 billion is military assistance and $1.3 billion for civilian welfare.

But that’s not all folks, under a special U.S.-Israeli agreement, the U.S. pays to store and maintain over $1 billion in military arsenal in Israel. In addition, American taxpayers generously (unknowingly) covered the cost of developing Israel’s military technology—Iron Dome, Magic Wand and the Arrow—a price tag exceeding $3 billion. If the exuberant amount of American taxpayers’ aid to Israel hasn’t made your jaw drop, learning that Israel received another $781 million—$205 million above regular aid for the Iron Dome project, plus $351 million and $225 respectively to purchase Tamir interception and enough Hellfire missiles to devastate Gaza’s civilian population, infrastructure, and economy in last July’s Operation Protective Edge—might get your jaw to hit the floor.

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TheDaliLama's Avatar
I'll be darn Zanny.....You're a Nazi!
I'll be darn Zanny.....You're a Nazi! Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

grow up kid
I'll be darn Zanny.....You're a Nazi! Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I will say this, $233 billion since 1948 is a drop in the bucket. Religion is why we support them. The world would be so much better without people believing in fairytales.
I will say this, $233 billion since 1948 is a drop in the bucket. Religion is why we support them. The world would be so much better without people believing in fairytales. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
It's a total waste of money put it to good use in our own economy. Besides they don't believe in Jesus like Americans do anyway. This is all one big joke
  • shanm
  • 03-03-2015, 04:21 PM
It's a total waste of money put it to good use in our own economy. Besides they don't believe in Jesus like Americans do anyway. This is all one big joke Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
You're assuming a bit too much. I don't believe its a requirement to believe a fairytale in order to become an American.
You're assuming a bit too much. I don't believe its a requirement to believe a fairytale in order to become an American. Originally Posted by shanm

You missed the point. UC mentioned we support them seemingly because of a religious "commonality" whereas they don't even believe in Jesus as their lord and savior as American Christians do.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Maybe they need the money to counter the terrorist palestinian/hamas.

Why are you libs such racist anti-semites anyway?
Maybe they need the money to counter the terrorist palestinian/hamas.

Why are you libs such racist anti-semites anyway? Originally Posted by gfejunkie

ohh so now you believe in big government and socialism? I see.

actually all I'm doing is trying to prove a point
gfejunkie's Avatar
Just anti-terrorist.
You missed the point. UC mentioned we support them seemingly because of a religious "commonality" whereas they don't even believe in Jesus as their lord and savior as American Christians do. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

No, they don't believe in the new testament but the bible says they are god's chosen people and of course the christians lap that up like it's warm milk. I'm not anti-semitic in the least. I also don't believe in fairytales, so I judge them based on the same criteria I would any other country. We put up with things from them we wouldn't put up with from other countries.
Maybe they need the money to counter the terrorist palestinian/hamas.

Why are you libs such racist anti-semites anyway? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Hmmmm... 78 percent of Jewish people who voted, voted for Barack Obama in 2008. Liberal democrats are some of the least racist, least anti-semitic people you'll find. A lot of Libs are also deists at best and hence, they don't view Israel as christians view Israel. I think that may be where you're getting confused.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Is that a reason or an excuse?
Is that a reason or an excuse? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
If you don't have a point to make, just say that. Why would almost 80 percent of jewish people vote for a party they thought was anti-semitic? If you honestly think democrats are anti-semitic, you haven't really been paying attention for, oh, like the last 50 years or so.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We should not be doling out ANY foreign aid to ANY country, including Israel until our national debt is paid off, and we are running surpluses. And not even then. Bibi said Israel could stand alone and defend themselves. I say let them.
  • DSK
  • 03-03-2015, 10:46 PM
You missed the point. UC mentioned we support them seemingly because of a religious "commonality" whereas they don't even believe in Jesus as their lord and savior as American Christians do. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
I've never understood why Christians fall for this "save Israel because they are God's favorite". Heck, if they are, let God save them!!! Since God created the world in 6 days, surely he could save his favorite people himself, without our help. Plus, as you mentioned, they essentially think Jesus was a false prophet, and therefore think Christians are mistaken about Jesus being God. They mock the very Savior their ardent supporters believe in.