Is it appropriate to ask about grandfathering?

LuckOfTheOrient's Avatar
Like most other gentleman,
I assume,
I like to see a new escort every now and again,
but really enjoy my time with one or two ladies on a regular basis.
Now one of the ladies has increased her donation.
She did not mention it to me at the beginning,
but at the end of or appointment.
More as a passing thought,
"Hey. Did you notice my new pictures & I increased my rate on"
I did notice that morning the donation had increases on said site,
& on my own initiative brought the new amount.
Now I did not inquire about why she didn't tell me beforehand.
I'm not married or paying child support for any children,
but for various reasons I choose to allot only a certain amount each month for this.
I really enjoy seeing her,
Though unfortunately at her new donation I would either have to see her near exclusively,
Or only see her 2/3 as often as I used to.
If I see her exclusively I fear I will tire of her quickly.
So the question is:
Is it wrong to inquire about being grandfathered?
Also what is the best way to handle it when or if I do ask?
If your a regular of hers I don't think there is anything wrong with bringing up a conversation with her about it. At least you'll know by her answer if she values you as a client. Most providers that I've been with multiple times usually let me know that my rates with them are grandfathered in. If said provider has a case of GPS then it might be best to look elsewhere.
Be upfront and honest about your concerns. She will let you know what she expects from you. Just be ready for the answer. I personally don't think you are crossing any line as long as you aren't being disrespectful. A lady has the right to charge/conduct her business however she sees fit, just the same as we have the right to see whomever we like as often as we want.

Just my unbiased 2cents.
I think if she mentioned the increase to you, she already kind of let you know you aren't grandfathered. BUT, that's just me, and I like to play it safe. If you've known each other for a while, she probably won't be upset if you double check. I think most just get annoyed when a guy they saw for an hour six months ago expects to be grandfathered, not guys who they see frequently.
Cpalmson's Avatar
What rrabbit said
monkeyseeyou's Avatar
I'm seeing an ATF of mine tomorrow and she went out of her way to let me know that our previous rate was still what I should pay. Some women specifically mention on the web site whether or not early adopters are grandfathered. As others have mentioned, if her rates have increased and no mention is on her website, then I think a discreet inquiry is valid. Just be prepared to pay the upcharge in case she says no.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Assuming you are a regular (IMO) it is incumbent upon her to make you aware of any changes in requirements/fees since your last visit. It isn't your responsibility to comb thru websites and ads to see if she happens to have raised rates.

As a result my envelope would have the same donation until I was advised it was light.

Of course it is totally within her purview to change rates and grandfather/not grandfather anyone she wants; just as it is yours to decide how often to visit.

I think a tactful conversation is appropriate (and helpful). Even if she doesn't plan to grandfather her pricing for you at least she knows why you stopped seeing her or cut back.

I've had providers I've seen in the past then taken a break from only to return be very interested in what happened. Was I okay? Was it something they'd done? Had I gotten bored etc. Typically I just got busy or, candidly, wanted variety. Like any good business person, they wanted the feedback. Why had a good client stopped seeing them?
joesmo888's Avatar
I swear the title of the thread made me think it was a question about inbreeding.

we have a lot of members from the deep south on here so you never know.
LuckOfTheOrient's Avatar
That is a bit disturbing.
gimme_that's Avatar
Grandfathering ia a priviledge that she should have only the ability and tact to bestow. Shouldn't be assumed to be automatic. You should ask at the very least. Worst she can say is no.

This also depends how early into her hobbying career she is. The earlier you grandfather the better.
...and she can say no....
pyramider's Avatar
I thought all ladies grandfathered since most of the fucktards seem to be grandfathertards.
...and she can say no.... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Yeah, pretty much.
James1588's Avatar
Obviously, providers can set their rates as they see fit, for any reason or none. But I don't understand this grandfathering concept. "This" is how the provider takes care of all her expenses, and I don't know of many expenses that don't increase as time goes by. The fact that I've seen a lady before doesn't keep her phone bill from going up. And in the day-job world, we all expect at least a token increase in our "rates," each and every year ... I wouldn't care for an employer to start talking about my grandfathering them.

The only expense I can think of that goes down because I'm a regular is screening. And that's an awfully small part of a professional lady's expenses.
James, your attitude is a great demonstration of the difference between a hobbyist and a gentleman! The same as a hobbyist has no qualms about asking about specials/discounts a gentleman would not enquire about such things.