Are you guys excited or ready to build a bomb shelter and hide until we get our city back?

I feel like going out this weekend, but have no interest in taking part of SXSW this week. Where are some good places to go away from Downtown. Maybe Far Far South?
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah hear tha Spurs are playin' in San Antone this Sunday an' a'gin on Friday. Ah thinck thet's purdy far, far South.
I'm staying in town and going out on Saturday night if any of you ladies and gentlemen are interested, but as far away from Downtown as possible.
sue_nami's Avatar
i'm doing all the day parties and free stuff. i love the hubhub and find the whole week exhilarating. i work minimal morning hours next week and then party all afternoon and evening and sleep at night. I am really looking forward to the staycation at home to see great music for free.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
I'm staying in town and going out on Saturday night if any of you ladies and gentlemen are interested, but as far away from Downtown as possible. Originally Posted by Scarlett De Rossi
Yeah, thet's whut yew always say.
The east side hasn't been too too packed.
The east side hasn't been too too packed. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
Are you blending in with all the hipsters?
Its actually a lot of fun in all honesty. I took time off work for it and still having too much fun.
BrianSmithYes's Avatar
For the more adventurous out there, there is this short, free VR (virtual reality) experience going right now at SXSW:

This one is not for the squeamish. If you've never put on a VR headset before, consider first stopping at the Samsung VR experience, located at 333 East 2nd (they've taken over Micheladas during SX) for a more mild, mainstream experience.

The light rail train and Austin B-Cycle offer easy ways to get in and out of downtown without getting stuck in your car.

Have fun!
Are you blending in with all the hipsters? Originally Posted by xrival14
Second rule of being a woman is to pop, not blend in. The first rule is something about changing tampons regularly.
The Domain?
Second rule of being a woman is to pop, not blend in. The first rule is something about changing tampons regularly. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
Such a hipster thing to say.
sue_nami's Avatar
I am having a total blast, I started last Sunday, starting at noon daily, going till about midnight. all free and all great. today was zydeco and the trishas and CC Adcock so far on south congress, taking a break for dinner and back at it. this is my vacation every year and freaking love it and have so much fun. funniest thing i saw yesterday was a bunch of 50 year old plus friends and peers slam dancing and moshing at hotel vegas and then saw the black panthers march by chanting with rifles. gotta love sxsw.
sounds like your having fun Sue enjoy !
gleemonex's Avatar
Such a hipster thing to say. Originally Posted by xrival14
About the tampons or not blending in?