The forever poser of a president, never wanting responsibility for his own decisions and failed policies.............

Victor Davis Hanson said it best, and I paraphrase: Obama takes credit for the results of policies he actively opposes (oil and natural gas production) and assigns blame elsewhere for the consequences that are a direct result of his actions or inaction (ISIS and the middle east).
You are truly a moron. ISIS used to be al qaeda in iraq you dingleberry. That would make them Bush's fault, just like your buddy odumbo said.

Victor Davis Hanson said it best, and I paraphrase: Obama takes credit for the results of policies he actively opposes (oil and natural gas production) and assigns blame elsewhere for the consequences that are a direct result of his actions or inaction (ISIS and the middle east). Originally Posted by filbone
That dude, along with you, are idiots.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Yup...If only BO had left some troops behind like everyone of his generals and 2 of his own Secretary's of Defense wanted.

He also "lead from behind" in Libya and never finished the job there either.

Now, despite the advice of his (count them) his 3rd SOD... he's about ready to make the same mistake in Afghanistan....."The good war".....I'm sure that when that blows up in his face it will be Bush's fault as well.

Ahhhh you remember don't you? "The world is a much safer place now" "Nations respect us now" "Race relations are better than ever".

What world do you die hard Dems live in?
Yup...If only BO had left some troops behind like everyone of his generals and 2 of his own Secretary's of Defense wanted.

He also "lead from behind" in Libya and never finished the job there either.

Now he's about ready to make the same mistake in Afghanistan....."The good war".....I'm sure that when that blows up in his face it will be Bush's fault as well.

Ahhhh you remember don't you? "The world is a much safer place now" "Nations respect us now" "Race relations are better than ever".

What world do you die hard Dems live in? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Not the Pluto you live on, that's for sure.

We wouldn't be having to leave behind any troops in Iraq if there had never been an invasion of Iraq courtesy of Shrub, your boy Cheney and all his neo-con advisors. No invasion of Iraq = No ISIS.

Obama is 100% correct.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No Odumbo = No ISIS.
Originally Posted by timpage
FTFY, Little Timmy-tard.
File this response in the "When The Truth Hurts, DEFLECT" folder.

Not the Pluto you live on, that's for sure.

We wouldn't be having to leave behind any troops in Iraq if there had never been an invasion of Iraq courtesy of Shrub, your boy Cheney and all his neo-con advisors. No invasion of Iraq = No ISIS.

Obama is 100% correct. Originally Posted by timpage
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Not the Pluto you live on, that's for sure.

We wouldn't be having to leave behind any troops in Iraq if there had never been an invasion of Iraq courtesy of Shrub, your boy Cheney and all his neo-con advisors. No invasion of Iraq = No ISIS.

Obama is 100% correct. Originally Posted by timpage

I noticed how you Dems like to help us get into wars but don't take any responsibility afterwards.....

Then when the going gets tough...It's "cut and run"........like the cowards that you are.

Thanks for losing the wars for us.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
TheDaliLama's Avatar
SPAM Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

gfejunkie's Avatar
We all long for the good old days when Saddam and his two upstanding Sons ruled Iraq.

It seems many middle eastern counties are doomed to either live under reprehensible dictatorships ruled by Stalinistic Thugs or under reprehensible dictatorships ruled by Islamic Thugs.

Take your pick. Either will put you against the wall, or in the stoning pit, for not toeing the line.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Originally Posted by gfejunkie
I doubt they'll watch it GFE.

But thanks for posting it for our tryphorgitin friends.
Obama had no intention of leaving a force in Iraq...........even IF the Iraqi Government wanted a SOFA......Obama in his own words, he didn't "want a status of forces agreement" with Iraq: