Capitalism Isn't Working! Look at this Video and Watch.

Here is my new favorite professor. This man is intelligent, he knows what he is talking about and he is invited to speak all over the country.

Capitalism is out of control and take heed my Americans!

Watch and share:

This is "real education" folks!
It's working for those of us who realize that there is no free lunch, regardless of what swill some dipshit utopian "professor" regurgitates.
It's working for those of us who realize that there is no free lunch, regardless of what swill some dipshit utopian "professor" regurgitates. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Take the time and read the article. Read it again if that's what it takes. There are real points to be made here. Don't be afraid to find out that something you always thought was true, isn't really true.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We get caught up in terms. What they describe as capitalism, I consider to be crony capitalism, or fascism. Whatever you call it, it isn't working, unless you are a 0.1%er.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't think you even know what capitalism really is.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Is this another 'war on success' thread?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
MilfDebbie, what do you have to do to get another handle?
  • DSK
  • 03-19-2015, 06:54 AM
Take the time and read the article. Read it again if that's what it takes. There are real points to be made here. Don't be afraid to find out that something you always thought was true, isn't really true. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
A global wealth tax? Who gets that booty? That is more a formula for war than our current inequality.
Much as I'm jealous of rich people like Bill Gates and his money, if he earned it fair and square, he should be able to give it to his children with minimal taxation.
He has already paid the tax when he earned it the first time.!