Should BiBi Netanyahu Get The Nobel Peace Prize?

By his shear political will, he single handily put the brakes on the "process of appeasement" that would surely have lead to a radical religious Thugocracy obtaining a nuclear weapon.

And he did it in convincing fashion.
  • DSK
  • 03-18-2015, 09:15 PM
By his shear political will, he single handily put the brakes on the "process of appeasement" that would surely have lead to a radical religious Thugocracy obtaining a nuclear weapon.

And he did it in convincing fashion. Originally Posted by Jackie S
He is a ridiculous madman trying to get the US drawn into a nuclear war.
He should get snubbed by our President.
By his shear political will, he single handily put the brakes on the "process of appeasement" that would surely have lead to a radical religious Thugocracy obtaining a nuclear weapon.

And he did it in convincing fashion. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Are you serious? He's a notorious Hawk and you want to give him a peace prize? After what he did to win this election? Shear political will? If by that you mean being overtly racist and playing our congress like a fiddle, only to turn around and use that in his campaign, then sure, give the guy a peace prize.
By his shear political will, he single handily put the brakes on the "process of appeasement" that would surely have lead to a radical religious Thugocracy obtaining a nuclear weapon.

And he did it in convincing fashion. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Reneging on a peaceful solution qualifies him for a Nobel peace prize? LMAO
  • shanm
  • 03-18-2015, 11:05 PM
Yssup Rider's Avatar
These are disciples of the Religious White.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, I'll put down DSK as a raging Jew hater, EVA as questionable, and Sha-na-na as just an idiot.

20 years ago Larry King was interviewing Netanyahu following a terrorist attack in Israel. King actually asked if 12 dead Israelis could affect the peace process. Missile attacks, terrorism, kidnapping and murder of American Jewish students and the local idiots think that there is actually a peace process.
LexusLover's Avatar
Missile attacks, terrorism, kidnapping and murder of American Jewish students and the local idiots think that there is actually a peace process. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Israel has been at war for almost 60 years now. They need a warrior as leader.

The same people who want to disarm Israel want to disarm the cops in the U.S.

The apparent philosophy is: If we disarm, the bad guys will put down their weapons.

Here's a current example of what happens to UNARMED PEOPLE in UNGUARDED PLACES:

"Gunmen killed at least 19 people, most of them foreign tourists, in an assault on the Bardo Museum in the heart of Tunis on Wednesday, rattling a country widely seen as the lone democratic success story of the Arab Spring uprisings."

Tourists visiting a Museum.
LexusLover's Avatar
These are disciples of the Religious White. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Racist. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover's Avatar
By his shear political will, he single handily put the brakes on the "process of appeasement" that would surely have lead to a radical religious Thugocracy obtaining a nuclear weapon.

And he did it in convincing fashion. Originally Posted by Jackie S
There is a difference between "his people" and "Obaminable's people," and the circumstances in which they must survive.

I would hope that people in this country would not tolerate rockets, mortars, and suicide bombs on people and in cars, coming across the Southern border of the United States into the towns, schools, and businesses along our Southern border. But given the expressed attitude of many on here, they would just move farther North ... "out of range" .... until they got to Canada.
There is a difference between "his people" and "Obaminable's people." Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well, of course "there is a difference."


Obama's people are the American people who elected him to be their President.

Duh x2!

"His people" are those Israeli people who elected Bibi!

Duh x 3!

There is an entire ocean between the two country's!

Duh x 4!

LL's an Idiot!

Duh x 5!
Reneging on a peaceful solution qualifies him for a Nobel peace prize? LMAO Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The standards for that prize were lowered to the ground a few years ago.

There is no peaceful solution when your enemies all want to negotiate your complete destruction.
LexusLover's Avatar
The standards for that prize were lowered to the ground a few years ago.

There is no peaceful solution when your enemies all want to negotiate your complete destruction. Originally Posted by filbone
That's difficult for some folks to comprehend. Their video games reboot.
Israel has been at war for almost 60 years now. They need a warrior as leader.

The same people who want to disarm Israel want to disarm the cops in the U.S.

The apparent philosophy is: If we disarm, the bad guys will put down their weapons.

Here's a current example of what happens to UNARMED PEOPLE in UNGUARDED PLACES:

"Gunmen killed at least 19 people, most of them foreign tourists, in an assault on the Bardo Museum in the heart of Tunis on Wednesday, rattling a country widely seen as the lone democratic success story of the Arab Spring uprisings."

Tourists visiting a Museum. Originally Posted by LexusLover
After 60 years you'd think you might quit banging your head into the same wall expecting a different result. I think that's called insanity.