a question for the ladies

pickupkid's Avatar
How long should you wait to call between providers to make appointments with her?Do you call two providers and see who calls you back first?
ck1942's Avatar
Depends on which two you call. If you are calling one with known TCB issues and she will be your Plan A; maybe wait 30/60 minutes before you line up a Plan B who doesn't have issues.

Then there's always Plan "KY" just in case.

Today, since both of my Plans regretted,

I exercised Plan "LE" which, I quickly note, refers to LandsEnd.com;

I saved 100 of my planned 200/250 expenditure by ordering two pair of pants on sale for 54.00 dollars each (plus 8 bucks tax).

Lunch today will be at the club and likely I may spend (like I did yesterday) 60 bucks for some "hands on," "lip synching" "ball playing, and maybe even some CIM, too which may add 10/20 bucks my days adventure.

Yes, likely I could have budgeted 3 bills for a visiting playmate, but I already knew from yesterday the ones I liked were booked, and locals need more advance notic than I could muster today.
marco2007's Avatar
Sometimes I like when no one can make it, and I think about the money I saved.
ck1942's Avatar
Yes, one month I "saved" more than 800 bucks and "invested in a big ass LCD screen TV" just in time for Stupor Bowl 2013.

And, yes, today's lunch was followed by two (separate) "desserts" at C @ --- took a lot of the "wind" out of my "sail" and I totally surprised my waitress by ordering a "stiff" drink (not that much alcohol, just enough to ease the nerves and prep for dessert 2. One Asian Pursuasion & One Latina Delight; two phone numbers, and an OTC for next Wednesday and then again there's always tomorrow with the one and a rendezvous in club with a new babe.

Life is very good!

Very good!