DATY a Unique Art Form

HoneyAngel's Avatar
DATY is a unique art form, unique to each person, as every woman experiences the feeling differently due to how it feels to her individually. Compared to an other female. Ahhh, the Full Moon! Yes, emotions are running high. Feeling very sexual, due to friend of six years, who invited me over for an appointment. My mind started having these thoughts, of what it would be like, to make love to him. During our time together as he was not able to "Rise to the Occasion". As this is understandable, with me. Besides, giving me pleasure, was not the reason for his visit, of course. When we started with DATY, thoughts of him, slowly, starting with lightly, oh so gently, DATY, slowly draging his tongue on over my delicate nipples. As my nipples and kitty are so delicate, the skin on those parts of a woman body are so sensitive being touched. If a lover is too rough, it is not enjoyable and becomes uncomfortable. It is always a pleasure to play with some one who wants feed back on their technique during DATY. If a lady ever gives feed back on DATY or touching her body is to help you, to make it comfortable, and enjoyable for her. Which is what you want right? Should you care. It will make an incredible difference in the intimacy with you. A light gentle touch, is always a good start. A lover can always add additional intensity, to enhance her, specific needs. IF, he wants her to experience mutual pleasure. Lightly touching her with the tongue, to building the pleasure of an intense, heated orgasm. Should a lover desire to experience her flames of burning pleasure. Leading to a volcanic eruption. With mooning pleasure during the quake. As she is burning with desire, to unleash the hot flames of passion within her. Just lay next to her. Relax and enjoy her after glow. Happily ever after. Till we meet again. Your Honey Angel.
pyramider's Avatar
If he was not chewing he did not know what he was doing ... ijs.
silverstate53's Avatar
HoneyAngel that is truly the holy grail of DATY - well done !! I would say 80% of the ladies i have experienced are of the soft touch path and the other 20% are a little more about the spirited lingual exploration or a combo of the two modes ...
I don't have enough hands to give you the applause you deserve!!!!
HoneyAngel's Avatar
Thankyou Silver State53! It took me about ninety minutes to write it, and to rewrite my thought on the subject. You have it figured out that less is more with DATY. You are right, the soft touch path seems to be the most popular preference of most of the ladies. Based on my conversation with them.
HoneyAngel's Avatar
I don't have enough hands to give you the applause you deserve!!!! Originally Posted by Quinci
Thankyou Quinci for your praise, and support it was greatly appreciated! Hug you very much!
awl4knot's Avatar
For a guy going down on a new woman can be a lonely, anxiety producing experience. So many women are quiet and introspective as they slowly build to their climax that we guys are often not getting many cues about how we are doing, other than a glimpse of closed eyes, pursed lips and maybe some self-inflicted breast stimulation.

I know that the default approach is soft and slow and if more pressure is wanted she will press her sex against my tongue, but a real crisis is deciding do I need to amp things up with a finger or two or will that ruin her reverie and spoil a slow developing O? This is where detailed reviews are helpful.

With girls who need a long build up you have to deal with neck cramps and tongue fatigue. On a baser note, although reciprocity of pleasure is laudable, these long encounters at the Y can really burn through my precious donation and I do want to have my own well-deserved release. Sorry, but I can be selfish that way.

I can foresee a day when there will be technologies that will measure and display a woman's physiological progress to orgasm and while this may reduce the anxiety it will remove the wonder and triumph that I get when my partner hits that big sensual lottery.

I also understand that some ladies won't cum through oral. This is something that should not be learned fifteen minutes into the exercise.
silverstate53's Avatar
I hear you awl - there have been varied experiences in my hobby time for sure. Some of the ladies whom i have seen have been the long slow build up type - and i am sure the arthritis in my neck is not getting better so the laides who roll those legs all the way and serve it up make the long haul experiences much easier on this old neck.

I am not a big FIV while in DATY because i love a full on face plant in the Va J J . One of my best experiences was with a utr who told me daty would be just for me because due to selfish s/o's in her past she was toy dependent for her orgasms - after 3 rocking O's a few tears streamed from her eyes.

In my opinion there is nothing better than feeling the slow build up of her breathing, moans and abdominal shutters to a roaring O - looking up and seeing her flushed expression gives me a mental nut.

Great Thread HoneyAngel - one of the few i felt i had to respond to !!
This is one of the best threads I've seen. Honey Angel - you're soooooo right! Thank you for your beautiful sensual slow and patient words! I wish i could make a trip to NW Arkansas ...
Yes! Great thread! I too enjoy slow and sensuous touches down there. Lightly tracing your fingers along my inner thighs helps as well. A FIV doesn't have to be rough, nice soft touches against my pussy walls help a great deal in getting me that O. Depending on the lover, could be five mins, could be 20+. Kudos to the ones willing to please.
That is so well written - bravo!! A great communicator there, Honey Angel!
I don't have enough hands to give you the applause you deserve!!!! Originally Posted by Quinci
So does this mean that you are up to finding out if I'm as good as my name suggests ? I'm in SA also.
HoneyAngel's Avatar
Oh Darling ,thankyou. You are making me excited while reading your post. Your just need to taste my apple pie. Hugs, and Kisses!
HoneyAngel's Avatar
That is so well written - bravo!! A great communicator there, Honey Angel! Originally Posted by Kalani Kai
Hi Babe, thankyou for the recognition. You are a sweetheart.
HoneyAngel's Avatar
I hear you awl - there have been varied experiences in my hobby time for sure. Some of the ladies whom i have seen have been the long slow build up type - and i am sure the arthritis in my neck is not getting better so the laides who roll those legs all the way and serve it up make the long haul experiences much easier on this old neck.

I am not a big FIV while in DATY because i love a full on face plant in the Va J J . One of my best experiences was with a utr who told me daty would be just for me because due to selfish s/o's in her past she was toy dependent for her orgasms - after 3 rocking O's a few tears streamed from her eyes.

In my opinion there is nothing better than feeling the slow build up of her breathing, moans and abdominal shutters to a roaring O - looking up and seeing her flushed expression gives me a mental nut.

Great Thread HoneyAngel - one of the few i felt i had to respond to !! Originally Posted by silverstate53
Aw, thankyou Baby, you seems like my kind of lover. Guess there is only one way to find out! Hug you very much!