deleted accounts

daddyzlilgirlalwayz's Avatar
I am curious to know what are the steps taken to delete an account. Ive considered closing out my account, however I am not at the moment. Just wanting to find out if I did close it, do you sign back in later, or do you need to reregister and become verified again? If you could let me know I'd appreciate it. Thanks
Actually, the term used is disabling an account.

Disabling takes place when there is a need to cancel an account, usually by request. In other words, the username/account is frozen and closed.

To disable your account, send a PM to one of the moderators stating a reason for leaving the site and the process will begin. Disabling an account will not delete your posts, reviews or ads, but will close your showcase. If you are a verified provider when your account is disabled, you may return as a VP.

You can return to the site with your original username if you wish.

If you have security or safety concerns as the reason for leaving the site, explain those issues tot he moderator in the PM you send. If another solution is available, the moderator will explain your options.
Helicopter206's Avatar
You can change your handle, and cancel your old handle, like starting over, wiping the slate clean. This seems to help the providers get back into the game.
The mods can make sure the old threads or reviews won't be attached to your new handle.
Just an idea, for you to think about.
Copter's response is partially correct, but not completely. If you have further questions daddyzlilgirlalwayz, send a PM to me or one of the other moderators and we will help you sort out the correct path.
daddyzlilgirlalwayz's Avatar
Thank you Scorpio
daddyzlilgirlalwayz's Avatar
Thanks for the info Helicopter206
algrace's Avatar
When given a choice, always choose
the correct path