O.K So what exactly are the rules?

For some reason my comments on a couple of reviews have been met with extreme angst and disdain. I want to know if I am unable to say ANYTHING about race on this board. I look for ladies that do not see aa clients. If they put it on there ads or websites it is public knowledege. So why can I point out if they like cof,cim,greek,rim jobs etc. But I cant' state what she obviously wants us all to know? It does not hamper or sully her or her busisness. If anything (especially in my case) it helps her and her biz. I am pointing out features that a lot of men appreciate along with her bcd skills.

I never stated her prefrences in a profane or demeaning way, I was as nice and matter of factly as the ladies are in their ad's. So what gives?
Go back to your hole, you little piece of shit.
Don't we ban people who register multiple handles (not to mention stirring up drama and spewing racist hate)?

[ame="http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=71173&postcount =1"]ECCIE - Your source for escort reviews - View Single Post - Hey Guys here's the reason all the hott chicks won't see AA clients[/ame]
I normally do give these idiots the satisfaction of a post, but as our community grows, these morons will pop out of the woodwork from time to time.

Shackleton, I couldn't agree with you more and I am sure the owners and mods will take the appropriate actions.

While this is America and you have the freedom of speech, ECCIE happens to be a private board, where you are a registered member and should follow the rules of normal decency. While I realize the hypocritical undertone of such a statement on a board that promotes what "normal" society considers inappropriate, this is the choice of the ownership and membership.

Remember to have fun and hang loose...
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
while i wholeheartedly agree the guy has got to go (can't we vote him off the island?), i thought of an alternative theory to consider.

what if the guy is actually one of those guys that just can't seem to let it go that some girls do not want to see black guys and his agenda is to point out the girls that won't?

i mean he knows full well he is going to get banned. maybe just trying to stir up the same old shit until he gets banned. just something to consider.

Hawkeye9's Avatar
I agree with JPM!! He is obviously on a agenda of his own even after he was told to cool it!!!
Mister Tudball's Avatar
His handle (and the one he used before) says all I need to know. I've protested this bozo before regarding his individual posts. I don't care to see this crap on this great site. Please, Mods, boot this neanderthal.
shooter6.5's Avatar

Settle down. We will handle the issues here. He is a clear troll, and will be dealt with.

aahater, since you clearly had a difficult time reading and understanding my well written warning you get 10 days to think about it.

I would ask that in the future the rest of you do not resort to name calling.

fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Thanks shooter...I wanted to post my thoughts but kept putting names and labels in so I deleted it...in the future I think the best thing for all of us is to hit the "Report Post" button, give a couple of reasons why we find the post objectionable, then leave everything in the moderator's capable hands...you guys are doing an outstanding job...
Torito's Avatar
Thanks shooter...I wanted to post my thoughts but kept putting names and labels in so I deleted it...in the future I think the best thing for all of us is to hit the "Report Post" button, give a couple of reasons why we find the post objectionable, then leave everything in the moderator's capable hands...you guys are doing an outstanding job... Originally Posted by fortwortholdguy
Excellent strategy. It gets the job done without giving the agitator the satisfaction of stirring the pot and getting the responses that he apparently lives for.

Soxguy's Avatar
I saw his handle and thought, "Why does he hate Alcoholics Anonymous?"
Hawkeye9's Avatar
hoepfully they will recognize IP addresses soon, so the multiple handle issue will be harder. Its time for bed!!! night
Mister Tudball's Avatar
I saw his handle and thought, "Why does he hate Alcoholics Anonymous?" Originally Posted by Soxguy
LOL. That was funny, Soxguy.

Great idea about simply reporting a post. I'll do that in the future. Thanks to the Mods for jumping on this so quickly.
Thanks shooter...I wanted to post my thoughts but kept putting names and labels in so I deleted it...in the future I think the best thing for all of us is to hit the "Report Post" button, give a couple of reasons why we find the post objectionable, then leave everything in the moderator's capable hands...you guys are doing an outstanding job... Originally Posted by fortwortholdguy
I'm not finding a "report post" button. Am I just missing the obvious (wouldn't be the first time)?
punkineater8's Avatar
I'm not finding a "report post" button. Am I just missing the obvious (wouldn't be the first time)? Originally Posted by Shackleton
Bottom left hand corner of each post under the avatar and user info. Red triangle with a line through it.