I've had any number of questions lately asking, what exactly is GFE? I like to describe it thusly: Imagine the love of your life. For a fair few of you gentlemen that's your wife of, lo, these many years. And she's still a lovely lady, the love of your life even, but perhaps playtime has become a bit... routine. Maybe even scarce. Real life and the passage of time invaded, and it wasn't anyone's fault, but there you are. Now imagine when the two of you were nineteen, and every touch was thrilling, fresh, and the horizon was filled with exciting things you might try this time and the next and the next. It was sweet and it was sexy, the affectionate little touches, and the talks - anticipatory, when it's almost a sort of mental foreplay, and then, physically sated, talking about work and where you grew up while fondling favorite bits of anatomy just to fix the feel of them in your memory. If there's time, the fondling turns up and the talk winds down and round two begins.
And afterwards, no commitments, no worries, no drama. The lady goes away, both of you happier for the experience, and awaits the next time you need such an interlude.
Anyway, that's what I aim for. I'd like to hear what others might think of GFE.
As far as I'm concerned, you nailed it. Though it would be interesting to hear from the gents.
The exact definition of GFE is Emily Hemingway. And that's the truth!
It's kinda funny, I was talking to somebody about this the other day... I've found that I provide less of a GFE than I used to (per your definition of GFE which IMO is right on) and more of a friend with benefits experience. The difference? I guess it's like treating him like a good friend with less of the affectionate touches and cuddling. I greet them with "HEY! Hows it going? Good to see ya!" instead of "Hey baby, let me kiss all your troubles away". Why? When I used to be a total GFE? I think it's because I'm only doing limited service at this time. When my situation changes, I hope to go back to the full GFE experience as I do miss it at times. I have found, however, that some guys like the sit back and chill, kick back a beer, and let's shoot the shit type of experience. So GFE or FWBE? When I'm back at full force it will probably be a bit of both :-)
You said it perfectly, NM>
mmm a combination of both is very nice
This was snipped from a thread I started way back when and I thought it fit. So, here goes...
Sometimes something happens or someone does something that causes you to change your way of thinking. Recently, a monger friend from Houston and I were talking, as we frequently do, and our conversation lead to a subject which is seemingly being used more frequently - and more importantly, casually- in the various provider advertisements.
So we began discussing the ambiguous subject of the Girlfriend Experience (GFE) and what "GFE" meant to us. The conversation went from the various BCD activities to the TCB aspects and so on. It's too broad of a subject, so I'll try and keep it short and get to the point other than to say that we agreed that there are different levels of GFE and that frequently, those which claim to be GFE, don't necessarily live up to that claim. Sure, some of the factors may be met, but the "E" relates to the overall experience and that's where the claims fall short.
I realize that the ladies see all different types of men and that they're selling the the GFE illusion. I get that. I also understand that having to put on the GFE face each and every time they open the door is difficult- so certainly, it takes a special kind of person to successfully and consistently live-up to the GFE billing. There are off-days, etc. etc.
One (of the many) thing(s) which was inadvertently overlooked was something that, in retrospect, has a profound effect on the overall GFE (in my eyes anyway). This overlooked aspect was surprisingly and unknowingly brought to my attention the other day by a visiting provider who just recently jumped into the SA hobby sandbox. (This is not an ad and her identity will remain anonymous. No pms). She and I had met during a previous visit and had just an outstanding time and yes, imnho, she met all of the GFE criteria. (excelled in several areas) We had a couple of brief phone conversations and ping-ponged a few casual pms since, so I guess that we've developed somewhat of a more comfortable, professional kinship. Although I was anxious to see her again, I also understood that she leads an extraordinarily busy life- with providing as well as other personal/professional commitments-this ain't her only gig- so I didn't really press her all that hard for another meeting.
(kicks self repeatedly)
Fast forward to week last. It just so happened that the planets were in alignment or whatever, that she popped back into town and the much anticipated re-visit came to fruition. Without going into detail about the encounter, (other than to say that it exceeded any/all expectations), what hit me like a ton of bricks was this overlooked aspect of the GFE mentioned above. And that is simply this: the personal touch. To me, this is one of the often overlooked aspects that greatly sets the various self-proclaimed GFE's apart from one another. It differentiates them and it usually doesn't necessarily take all that much effort yet the dividends can be huge.
In fact, in the instance above, this woman extended a gesture which was so thoughtful and considerate that it really touched me- dare I say, on a personal level. The more that I thought about it in the days following, the more impressed I became with her and her kind gesture. Who knows, maybe it wasn't that big of a deal to her? maybe she did it without really giving it that much thought?? maybe it's just in her nature??? who knows..????
Whatever it was, it caught me off-guard and impressed me -Hella' Lot. She took the time out of her uber-busy day and took some things from our casual conversations and incorporated it into something personal and tailored just for me. Suffice it to say that it was totally unexpected, yet truly appreciated. It was also refreshing because it made me feel that I wasn't just some other random hobbyist, an Uncle Fester or something.
I guess what I'm saying is that sometimes it's the little things, a personal touch, that causes the GFE bar to raise. In this instance all it took was some thought and some consideration for her to immediately shoot up to the Platinum Level of GFE. The bar has definitely been raised.
So to the wonderful and amazing women who offer the true and genuine GFE, I offer my sincere appreciation and thanks.
To me, the most important component to a GFE is living the moment. Being in the moment right then and right is what really sets up the ease and comfort level necessary to feel the sensation of truly connecting with someone. It’s not just about kissing your boo-boos away or such a wild ride that it’s outta the shoot and doing your level best to turn the 8 seconds into the ride of a lifetime. It’s about reaching out and touching my partner from the brain on down. Of course if it is a bonafide ride; well all the better – right? And if guys, keep in mind, if you are into being a BFE, then the GFE fantasy ROCKS.
As in my signature, I believe that GFE is the attitude you have with your clients. I have asked guys this question and most always get an answer such as "a girl that kisses or does DATY" "One that offers BBBJ". And while I agree that someone that offers GFE should do those activities, those activities are only a reflection of the bigger picture. I believe GFE is someone that goes above and beyond the call of duty to please him just as a girlfriend would do. Not the gf you have had for 2 years buys more tylenol then lube, but the gf that is completely turned on by the very thought of you spanking her toosh as you bang her from behind.
GFE is the girl you can tell really enjoys this, and maybe makes you wonder whose enjoying it more.. you or her. The one that doesn't rush you out the door. The one that gives you that special attention that you don't get from your wife.. after all is it Girlfriend experience not wife experience... although I have heard some stories of experiences like that if any of you guys are interested

Something as simple as getting a warm wet washcloth and slowing cleaning him off afterwards while he relaxes can make him feel like a million bucks!
Just my humble opinion...
Great description SKF.
The only thing I'll add is "my" GFE create the illusion that makes me feel I am truly special to her. She moans during the passionate kiss. She runs her fingers through my hair as I dine. When she reaches her peak she lets me know what a pleasure it was. All of these things and many more are what make the GF
Experience. Few are able to really pull it off. For those of you who can, you may consider me your ATM.