edr1322's Avatar
News has been all over Blizzard of 77 a couple of days now what about TET OFFENSIVE in 1968 where we were over run in many areas. We took that ground back and lost many of our fellow BROTHERS who arn,t here to be on this board. I was one of the lucky ones who made it out . Please on 31 Jan PLEASE TAKE A MINUET TO REMEMBER THEM. THANK YOU. ED
Ed, thank you for reminding us to honor those who served in Vietnam.
nyguy's Avatar
  • nyguy
  • 01-27-2010, 06:51 PM
Ed, thank you for your service & all the brothers that didn't come back
edr1322's Avatar
THANKS GUYS we were out numbered BUT WE KICKED ASS . WE ARE USA AND WE STILL KICK ASS. We dont want it coming over here.ED
My father was there.. he also made it back home..thank God...
I thank you and him, as well as those that where also lucky enough to make it back..
And I'm very proud of those that fought and gave their lives..
I too am a vet, and very proud to be.. Ya'll are in my prayers...
sunfish's Avatar
ed you got it!
edr1322's Avatar
Anita also Thank You for your service. I was a lifer and know females had a rough time in military. ED
edr1322, thank you for your service. I've always felt our Vietnam veterans have been poorly treated in our culture. I wish some of the gratitude that has been lavished on today's Iraq and Afghanistan vets had found its way retrospectively to our Vietnam brothers in arms.

brutusbluto's Avatar
Yes, I also wish to say thank you to not only you, but every american who has had to serve our homeland. Men & women alike that have served our country are the reasons we enjoy our freedom today.
Sensei's Avatar
+1, I always give thanks to my past and present brothers in arms. Though retired I still contribute to the effort and sadly attend the services that seem to occur way too often lately.

It still upsets me that many military related dates have been relegated to the back page, anyone see any news mentioning Pearl on Dec 7th? Heck, even Sep 11 has begun to fade. Its up to us Vets to keep the vigil, Lest We Forget.
Just to let you know..

I was there and I will never forget.. That is something that just does not go away.

Thanks for sharing
  • Laker
  • 01-29-2010, 11:30 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen, Yes Thank You for Your Service, and we should never forget those who lie at rest both here in the US and abroad who gave up their lives for our freedom, and also those who were wounded for life.

A visit to these memorials, cemeterys, and for alot of us on this board the Vietnam wall is an experience that will never leave you.
May you vets know that you are always in my prayers and thoughts....
One interesteing thing that most didn't know about TET... it was actually a great victory for our forces, but at that time, the most beliveable man in America, Walter Cronkite, came on the evening news and declared that TET was a major loss... It was at this time that the majority of sentimanet about the war started to boil over. The begiining of media control over the mass's...
Bless you my, and all those who came before and after you, in defending the rights and beliefs that formed this great country... May our colors never fade..
edr1322's Avatar
Secor I was with forces that took back Siagon we worked our way from Tan Tru into Siagon along with with MP's and one of the Airborn units . I believe the Marines stuck in that base camp in Khe Sanh really had it rough because they couldn't move any where but stood the ground.The marines and army in Hue had it the worst. Yes you are right its never goes away. I still have night mares about it. . I still believe if President LBJ Sec Of Defense RMac And Gen West let us keep going that war would of been over soon. We pushed the NVA back to Hanoi with there tails between their legs. I hope some day you can make sense of it because I cant. Thanks brother fighting beside me. Ed
edr1322's Avatar
No news stations said anything about the Chinese New Year and TET Offensive. Its 42 year anerverisity of it. God Bless all my BROTHERS who gave all. I will see you on the other side you are remembered.ED