smart phone browser safety

Niktu's Avatar
  • Niktu
  • 12-05-2010, 09:08 PM
I may be unable to access either my 1) Gmail hobby account or 2) Eccie with my laptop while I'm away.

My understanding is if a computer browser is used to access Gmail, Google does not log the IP address. Is this the same with a smart phone browser? Having my personal cell # logged to the hobby email account isn't something I'm willing to do.

Same question for Eccie. I suspect Eccie monitors IP #'s for multiple handles. Would my personal cell # show up?

I may be unable to access either my 1) Gmail hobby account or 2) Eccie with my laptop while I'm away.

My understanding is if a computer browser is used to access Gmail, Google does not log the IP address. Is this the same with a smart phone browser? Having my personal cell # logged to the hobby email account isn't something I'm willing to do.

Same question for Eccie. I suspect Eccie monitors IP #'s for multiple handles. Would my personal cell # show up?

Thanks Originally Posted by Niktu
Smart phone browsing is not like your home PC. The REAL world IP is what is assigned to your computer if you are not using a SOHO router (linksys,dlink etc) which does something called NAT.

Basically in the world of IP's there are some that are set aside for "private networking"

A through
B through
C through

These ranges here are not rout-able on the internet so they are used internally (like inside a company) The Gateway IP (the ip that links you to the outside internet) is what is NATTED over for inside internet usage and it is the NATTED IP that will show up.

(got a headache so far?)

here is an example

These are private IP's a linksys router will give to 3 computers on your broadband connection, yet your IP from your cable company or DSL might be

You are only assigned 1 IP for 1 computer device but the router allows up to 253 computers to use it and appear as 1....

Your smart phone is on your providers "private network" so its IP might be but the gateway IP from provider to real world is the IP Google will see.

I know... headache got bigger but if you were to see how a network is set up for a company you will pity us network techs/engineers/admins more
Niktu's Avatar
  • Niktu
  • 12-07-2010, 08:10 AM
Thanks Spirit.

Understand, me?

Using a router the IP address I see on my computer from sites like "my ip address" and shows my ISP and geographic location is internal, not the external "real world" address the carrier provides?

More importantly, on a smart phone browser the regional ip for the cell carrier is what Gmail, Eccie will see?
Checking this with a free "my ip" site it shows my cell carrier's geographic area.

Interestingly a reverse search on the IP shows it's for California and I am very far from California.

Bottom line is it appears safe to access the hobby email and eccie from my personal smartphone.

Thanks again, I knew I would get good information here.
Thanks Spirit.

Understand, me?

Using a router the IP address I see on my computer from sites like "my ip address" and shows my ISP and geographic location is internal, not the external "real world" address the carrier provides?

More importantly, on a smart phone browser the regional ip for the cell carrier is what Gmail, Eccie will see?
Checking this with a free "my ip" site it shows my cell carrier's geographic area.

Interestingly a reverse search on the IP shows it's for California and I am very far from California.

Bottom line is it appears safe to access the hobby email and eccie from my personal smartphone.

Thanks again, I knew I would get good information here. Originally Posted by Niktu

The reason why your IP is from California and not where you REALLY are is the DHCP server that is responsible for handing out the IP is based in California.

For them to find your true location they would have to locate the towers your cell talks to, and triangulate... its not impossible but highly unlikely they will go through all that just to find a "professional lady" unless your profession is murder.
Niktu's Avatar
  • Niktu
  • 12-07-2010, 10:03 PM
. its not impossible but highly unlikely they will go through all that just to find a "professional lady" unless your profession is murder. Originally Posted by Spirit13
Ummmmm I ain't no lady

more seriously, what about e911, gps, course and fine location?
shooter1a's Avatar
there is, or at least use to be a CMD that would return the IP address and speed up and down.
I searched the cmd help file and could not find the command. Anyone know that protocol?
in windows the command is IPconfig
in linux its IFconfig
Ummmmm I ain't no lady

more seriously, what about e911, gps, course and fine location? Originally Posted by Niktu
E911 is for where you registered your phone. A lot of people use cell's as their home phone so you can register your home address as your E911 location. However GPS in the phone can be turned off by the operator so you can leave it off. Then they have to triangulate via the towers which will give them an area.