Warning - Robbed By FellaFella

He travels a ton and sees women all over the country, but he's based in Boston so I thought this would be the best place to post this.

I've seen him multiple times, but today when he was leaving he took back some of the donation. I noticed him pausing near the table where it was as I was walking him out and thought he was tipping me, but then after he left I realized he took some of his money back.

He has a review up of me on this site, which I am trying to get removed so that it doesn't look like I endorse him in anyway.

The scariest part is that he did not set off any alarm bells. He got to know me well and on one of our dates had even made comments about the stories he's heard about bad clients, etc. I think he might be a sociopath. Other ladies have reached out to me today to tell me he's robbed them or written fake reviews, etc.

Do not see this man under any circumstances.
I heard from this gentleman today and he said that he never received my voicemail (I sent him a screen shot from my phone showing I called right after he left and left a voicemail, but he still denies it) and just got my emails today.

He said that he did take the money on his way out as he thought my rate was lower and that he left too much, because there are just so many of us ladies and we all have different rates. Even though he's never gotten it wrong before.

As a side note, that is a very dicey argument to use with a woman who offers both GFE and Kinky GFE. Whoops, there are just so many of you guys, thought you were the one into single tail whips! My mistake.

Anyway, he did send the money. So ladies who have his info from me, take that for what you will. I have heard from other women that this wasn't his first time but others have said he's never done anything to them, so it's your call.