What to do?

Rudyard K's Avatar

I'm not sure I know what the answer is here...since as a society we tend to want to allow free speech. But this is getting pretty close to the line of yelling fire in a crowded theater.
RK--you read MSNBC???? Figured you would think that pinko-commie news media wasn't worth it.

But to stay on topic. Freedom of speech does NOT include inciting a riot. Or, I would think similar speech. Some of this speech may be protected as religious speech, but for the most part, when one urges violence, the line has been crossed.
... when one urges violence, the line has been crossed. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Strange as this sounds, I agree with CT.
Rudyard K's Avatar
But to stay on topic. Freedom of speech does NOT include inciting a riot. Or, I would think similar speech. Some of this speech may be protected as religious speech, but for the most part, when one urges violence, the line has been crossed. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Strange as this sounds, I agree with CT. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Yeah, I got that...and pretty much felt the same...hence the post.

But the question was...What to do? Arrest? Imprison? If so, how long? Deport? Firing squad? Just the one guy?...or the whole group?

It is always interesting to me to see the pontifications of criticisms of another's actions in the past tense. The pathways are considerably less clear for the future tense.
discreetgent's Avatar
If something should be done: I'll assume firing squad is in jest, although coming from a Texan ....
Deport if possible. Arrest, imprison does nothing to quiet him and is far more a martyr then deportation.
Xe Services comes to mind.
How severely were the rioters in France punished? What proportion of them were punished at all?
I'd go with deport. They are obviously abusing the welcome they received. Staying in a country where you are not a citizen is a privilege, not a right. Ship that MF back to the middle ages -- he has no business living in a modern society.
discreetgent's Avatar
Didn't UK deport someone for similar reasons sometime in the last few years?
Rudyard K's Avatar
If something should be done: I'll assume firing squad is in jest, although coming from a Texan .... Originally Posted by discreetgent
Well...Yes and No. Given that the world we live in is a kind and gentle world, then I would say that Yes...I was jesting. But if by chance, someone were to make me King...the SOB would have about 30 seconds before I popped him one right between the eyes.

I'd go with deport. They are obviously abusing the welcome they received. Staying in a country where you are not a citizen is a privilege, not a right. Ship that MF back to the middle ages -- he has no business living in a modern society. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I guess I think of it over here in the US. I agree wholeheartedly that non-citizens should not have the same privlidges as citizens. But I'm not sure our current court system sees it the same way.

If it were up to me, I'd round up the whole group and send them back to BumF*ck, Egypt.
discreetgent's Avatar
But if by chance, someone were to make me King...the SOB would have about 30 seconds before I popped him one right between the eyes. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Benevolent despots don't behave that way
I guess I think of it over here in the US. I agree wholeheartedly that non-citizens should not have the same privlidges as citizens. But I'm not sure our current court system sees it the same way.
It does for some things but First Amendment the courts tend to be fairly stringent about.
If it were up to me, I'd round up the whole group and send them back to BumF*ck, Egypt.
Heh, you know what will happen if UK tries to do that? The deportees will turn around and claim political asylum (from a country they want to make jihad on) on the grounds that if they are sent back to Egypt the Egyptian government will throw them in jail and torture them.
Yeah, I got that...and pretty much felt the same...hence the post.

But the question was...What to do? Arrest? Imprison? If so, how long? Deport? Firing squad? Just the one guy?...or the whole group?

It is always interesting to me to see the pontifications of criticisms of another's actions in the past tense. The pathways are considerably less clear for the future tense. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
This gets at one of my pet peeves about current US policy as it relates to undocumented immigrants who commit crimes here. Currently, we send them through the court system, and if convicted, the go to prison in the US, and after they serve their time, we deport them. WTF!!! We (both state and feds) are in a financial crisis. Why in the fuck are we spending around $50K or more a year to house these criminals??? Let's just deport them in the first place, and cut out everything in between.

I know, I know. The argument is that they would just come back. Well, shit, with the money we would save on the (literally) thousands of incarcerated criminals, we could do a lot to beef up the border.

Now, to the thread at hand. Not only is inciting a riot a crime, but rioting is a crime also. So is unlawful assembly. You gotta deport them all. If they all knew that the end result would be unceremoniously being dumped in the hell hole of a country they left, they might suddenly behave a little better. Of course, before sending them back, Britain could impose a modified version of Shariah law and remove the offending member: the tongue.
John Bull's Avatar
Amazed at the confluence of conservative and liberal thought on this issue.

RK for King.
RK for King. Originally Posted by John Bull
Oh, hell no.
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  • WTF
  • 12-08-2010, 01:31 PM
Rudyard's modern version of the Spanish Inquisition!

If it were up to me, I'd round up the whole group and send them back to BumF*ck, Egypt. Originally Posted by Rudyard K

And if it were up to me, I wouldn't stop with those fuc'd in the head Muslims I'd round up all religious zealots that are trying to take control of the government and ship them to where the sun don't shine!