I bought a cheese and thought of you

LovingKayla's Avatar
These should be read in thick English accent.

Disillusioned and sick at heart, I wandered into a cheese shop, and purchased the most rare and pungent cheese ever I've known. It was a hot day, and so I ambled down to a small brook and sniffed an enormous amount of nutmeg, to which a prostitute named Lefty had recently turned me on. In my altered state of consciousness, I found the cheese quite arousing, and immediately scribbled a poem on the side of dead raccoon.

I bought a cheese and thought of you

I bought a cheese and thought of you.
The meat, 'twas white and dappled blue.
Its a rind a-bead with musky dew,
I bought a cheese and thought of you.

I bought a cheese and thought of thee
Thy cream-poured flesh, sweet ecstasy!
Between those thighs, what is roiling sea?
I bought a cheese and thought of thee.

I thought of thee and thought it fyne
To pair thee with a deep red wine.
To spread thee on the crusts of time.
I thought of thee, a thought divine.

I held my cheese and thought inside
How wrong my love be so denied.
My cheese grew soft and warm. I sighed.
I held my cheese, thus turn'd the tide.

I took my cheese and thought of you.
Wild appetites engorg'd and grew.
The flesh gave part, thus one was two.
I took my cheese, To hell with you!

I love cheese.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
What do u call an anorexic chick with a yeast infection? A quarter pounder with cheese