changing of the guard

knotty man's Avatar
it seems there is a definite changing of the guard going on right now. although it has been coming for awhile ,there is a real sense of passing of the torch. just look,
taylor maiden- retiring
sarah smiles-retiring
genesis nicole-retiring
britney bangs- moving on to dom only
kat-giong on sabbatical
sensual sophia- rarely posts
crystal kitty-rarely posts
marley monroe-almost down to ads only
maxeen monroe-almost down to ads only
there was a time when theses ladies names resonated thru out the forums. now theyre replaced by names like natalie, klovve, maddie. im sure all these women are lovely and all have great reviews, although i have never met any of these ladies. im not knocking these beauties by any means, just saying the times, they are a changin'. i feel i great disturbance in the "force". i feel alderon is no longer there.

Indeed. I've been seeing it happening as well. I'm hoping that some of the ladies that aren't posting as much aren't completely going away. There are a few I've never seen, but would enjoy meeting.

Although there are many new ladies who are hitting their stride in this community, I feel the ones you've mentioned still hold a special place here.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Sad to see them disapearring some of my favorite ladies are on that list
Whispers's Avatar
Girls come.....

Girls go.....

What some see as as a disappointing occurrence .... I think is a breath of fresh air!

I kinda like the new crop....

But if you research you may find that what appears "new" to you might be a makeover.....

Others see as a breath of fresh air.....

It was inevitable that if the client base changed or grew that the Provider base would need to change with it...
thegj's Avatar
  • thegj
  • 12-11-2010, 01:46 PM
Also noted- I would suggest that Sensual Sophia is still quite active- still posts frequently- maybe not as much as in the past- she was involved in the recent toy drive
greymouse's Avatar
Knotty Man is quite right. Many of the ladies who are as passionate at the keyboard as they are in the bedroom have pulled back out of the Coed combat space. That is a reasonable business strategy given Things As They Are and I have urged a few of them to do so as making a living is more important than having satisfaction in an on-line group without much point.

It appears to me that Coed thread posting have declined overall with message postings being drawn to a reduced number of longer threads from the Usual Suspects. I was looking for a well documented source of what I believe was a William S. Burroughs quote about not arguing with the mentally ill because they will make you crazy, another reason for the working half of the community posting less, when I found an even better one:

"Most of the trouble in this world has been caused by folks who can't mind their own business, because they have no business of their own to mind, any more than a smallpox virus has."
William S. Burroughs
Hmmm, let's see....some folks decide to do something different with their lives and it equates to a......great disturbance in the force???..., I, for one am happy for the ladies that have decided to go for the opportunities that have presented themselves with either a career path move or a change in their offerings. Bravo for them, and I wish them good fortune in their endeavors!!

It is regrettable that some ladies have stopped or limited posting, but as they say "times change". Perhaps some are not posting because they have a lot going on in their lives (as I know some of them do) as do most of us this time of the year. Most are still around and make their presence know from time to time, but if you really think about it, many of us are here because we enjoy variety and options. It would seem that there are still many, many options and some of the ladies mentioned are still available.

I can assure all and sundry, Alderon is alive and well!!

endless supply of guys and gals that come to this worries mate
Whispers's Avatar
Knotty Man is quite right. Many of the ladies who are as passionate at the keyboard as they are in the bedroom have pulled back out of the Coed combat space.

Well... for many.. it has been proven tha passion at the keyboard is not a necessary trait...

It appears to me that Coed thread posting have declined overall with message postings being drawn to a reduced number of longer threads from the Usual Suspects.

You can't argue the popularity and view counts of some topics.....

"Most of the trouble in this world has been caused by folks who can't mind their own business, because they have no business of their own to mind, any more than a smallpox virus has."

A little self reflection there huh? Good for you!
Originally Posted by greymouse

Wahh... Wahhh.... Wahhhh.
nuglet's Avatar
Knowing many of the ladies, my observation is that many are just retiring from Eccie. I can account for at least a few that are still active but have retreated from here due to the way the board is going. they are still very active, just not here. At least that's what I was told by a few of the lovelies that I know.
knotty man's Avatar
Hmmm, let's see....some folks decide to do something different with their lives and it equates to a......great disturbance in the force???..., I, for one am happy for the ladies that have decided to go for the opportunities that have presented themselves with either a career path move or a change in their offerings. Bravo for them, and I wish them good fortune in their endeavors!!

It is regrettable that some ladies have stopped or limited posting, but as they say "times change". Perhaps some are not posting because they have a lot going on in their lives (as I know some of them do) as do most of us this time of the year. Most are still around and make their presence know from time to time, but if you really think about it, many of us are here because we enjoy variety and options. It would seem that there are still many, many options and some of the ladies mentioned are still available.

I can assure all and sundry, Alderon is alive and well!!

Spacemtn Originally Posted by Spacemtn
perhaps i should have chosen a better reference other than star wars. i too am happy to see them move on to something greater for them. i am by no means sad too see these lovelies reach for their goals, im just sad for me. in that i will no longer be able to be entertained by these ladies. what i shoulve said was i feel a great disturbance in MY force. i wish all these ladies the very best in their next" life". i agree that we all love variety ,and that changing of guards is inevitable in this world. i never meant for it to become a bad thing, it was just merely an observation on my part. i feel the "new guard" is every bit as capable and beautiful as ever and are really begining to "gel' with the new hobby guards. and to nat ,klovve ,and maddie. dont be offended. it was not my intent to imply you arent every bit as good as these other ladies. your reviews show you are. your 3 names just were the ones that 1st came into my head. i look forward to meeting every one of you
Many of the Eccie members, myself included, got tired of all the drama, bashing, dog piling and negative topics that have replaced the lively, flirty, thought inspiring fun threads that we once participated in here for entertainment.

Veteran members both male and female have been disappearing or have become noticeably silent. I can only assume, like myself, they are either busy with other things in life or rarely find topics of interest to comment on here.

Where reading the board once inspired thoughts of flirty fun, fond memories and anticipation, it now at times just pisses people off and feels like no man's land to many.

Change is inevitable but loosing good people is bad for a community.
Just my 2 cents!
Whispers's Avatar
Many of the Eccie members, myself included, got tired of all the drama, bashing, dog piling and negative topics that have replaced the lively, flirty, thought inspiring fun threads Originally Posted by Topshelf Tess
Took some drama to effect some change.....

Will take more drama to keep things growing......

But there are plenty of fun threads.........

Where reading the board once inspired thoughts of flirty fun, fond memories and anticipation, it now at times just pisses people off and feels like no man's land to many.

Change is inevitable but loosing good people is bad for a community.
Just my 2 cents!
Tess Originally Posted by Topshelf Tess

Seems like 70 of the good people just got together for one hell of a party and fund raiser.....

At an event where "Community" was found in a variety of different types of players as well as providers.....

If those good people being lost cared about the "Community" they would get over themselves and learn that there is fun to be had for all....

That most everyone CAN and DO coexist......

The bitter old guard are just not making the rules anymore and they need to learn to share the spotlight and bandwidth with others....

There are a few of you that never learned when it was time to suck it up and realize that change occurs and you can fight it or adapt and roll with it....

Go away..... be bitter.....

Come back if you want.....

There are only a handful that really care.....

Those open minded enough to actually look into why things are changing as well as who the new players are seem to be having a pretty darn good time.....

They are also getting support and clients from a previously untapped market....

Maybe it's time to drop the "Top Shelf" attitude..... and just be one the gals....
nuglet's Avatar
a "fun thread" to one, might be a boring piece of shit thread to another.
Tess got it right.
Now it's more ranting/raving/pissing/moaning and generally kissing up, dog-piling and bitching.
It's a shame, but so be it. Things change.
It is certainly not the same playground as it was just a few months ago.
To some, that's great, to others it just seems a sad waste of resources, time and just isn't worth the effort anymore. Not as many as you would think are getting out of the field, they're just getting out of this one.
Everyone is obviously welcome to choose which camp they are comfortable in. Kinda like the pros and the minor leagues. It's up to each to decide:
1: which camp to be in,
2: which camp do they belong in.
Lots of sycophants are here too.
That's ok... lots of pros too. But they are drifting to other places, not actually leaving. At least that's what I've been told ........ by them.
I believe that is the reason for folks dropping off.
But then, you DID say "maybe".
Attitudes are a good thing when deserved, and EARNED.
Just saying.. the "scorched earth"attitude" you seem to have lately, isn't necessary, or reflective of your fun side, and it reflects poorly on you Whispers, I thought you were above that type of thing. She's done nothing to deserve that statement.

Time will tell. None of us need each other in this "good ol boys club". Pussy is easy to find.
I'm just saying that issuing statements like that, are a good way to drag this group down. Just because there's fighting going on, doesn't mean the battle is justified... just as being at peace doesn't assure happiness in present.