so where is everyone?

I joined in here thinking I could find other like minded people on line..not much happening here,whats a good time to be on to find people from Omaha?
burkalini's Avatar
Farmer I have been saying that since I joined eccie. I have tried to get this section going many times but there is just not anyone helping out. I stay in the national board much more than here because of that. I see people looking at the threads but they never reply. We need to come with an idea to get the Nebraska board going.
yes this seems like a great place to be but man its slow any ideas
I've been viewing the threads, and I do like reading them. Some are entertaining & some are informative. I can only log during my spare time due to my work but I do really enjoy this sight. We need more members from Nebraska, Omaha, Lincoln to come aboard. Jfarmer & Burk, My Festive greetings to you both & all.
John Bull's Avatar
Well, there's three of you in this thread. Add Omahan and Elena you have 5; then the occasional drop in...

The lurkers just don't post. Same problem in Ohio. I'd like to take 1/2 the posts in D&T and spread them around and we'd have a good, lively discussion.

Or maybe, Elena would post a new, nude shot every day.
just wanted to know,its great to be here.the national forum is good but its nice to know ones not alone in Nebraska
JB, I don't have anyone to take my nudes.

But, I did take the husker tshirt pic and will post tonight on my site.....maybe here too. We'll see.

Sorry Jfarmer, I've been taking a little break from the board. I'm burnt on all the negative posts I've been reading (not in the NE forum).
catadrioptic's Avatar
I tend to lurk here as well. I will try to be more active in the Nebraska section in the future.
I also will try to post more, work limits my time on here. Agree with Elena don't like all the negative, but that's the stuff we need to know about. Everyone stay warm.
burkalini's Avatar
We do need more providers to post from Nebraska. Elena shouldn't have to be the only one. The ones around here just don't post very much. Well on the threads that we can see anyway. lol
I don't mind posting...especially in the NE area. The guys are nice, no drama....I'll set up my chaise lounge over in the corner and just relaxed.
Im still a little new here,trying to make sure I post the right things in the right places,I do wish more providers would post as well.Im also trying to figure out what and what not to say,so bear with me..thanks
John Bull's Avatar
Well you guys tell them you won't screw them unless they're on the Board.