gatewayloco's Avatar
First I am not tryng to do this with a lady but its always something I have thought about.....The AC guy comes by and well you decide that he's not bad looking or whatever and some of your services might be better than cash. I mean it sounds like a good deal and everyone would leave happy.
Barter is alive and well. I have fixed a number of computers for ladies here in exchange for services.
m5552009's Avatar
I have seen a number of ladies that do this all the time. Some advertise barter.

Gonzo76's Avatar
A provider I know paid her lawyer that way. A few sessions in exchange for him getting her case dismissed. And then later when one of her provider friends got in trouble she sent her to him and told her what to say and do to get the same deal. lucky bastard.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
id do it, why not? i wish there were more offers for stuff like that around here.
  • hd
  • 12-15-2010, 12:29 PM
Wish I had something to barter for with the ladies besides $$$ and my good looks! And my looks aren't getting me much.
I've even bartered for my best friend (because I'm a GREAT friend like that)!!!

...Long story....about 8yrs ago...but she got a convertible out of it...until I stopped seeing him ~ LOL LOL!

We always joke around about her "owing me her soul x 10" for those days!!

But yes, barter IS alive and well. Just depends on what the lady is interested in/or may need at the time. As long as BOTH parties have an agreement and no one is left feeling "cheated" it's usually "all good"!!

If you think about it - bartering is happening all around you...even having a GF, there is a certain aspect of bartering. (work on her car, fix her light bulbs, take out her trash, cook for her every now and then and you get some in return!!) ...heck, maybe I'm just a low maintenance type girl. LOL

Guest091314's Avatar
I would do it but really depending on what it is...send a dentist my way lol
I have bartered in the past, mostly for computers. Always worked out well for me! I am always open to suggestions.
Well, in that case, If any of you ladies need your computer worked on, viruses removed, etc., let me know. I can provide references from the ladies I have done work for so you know I am legit if needed. I am very good and very fast. Perfect man!!!
diud-diud's Avatar
I've done this before, but I find that it works best if I receive the barter at the time of service. If some amount if time passes then I usually get "I decided I am going to pay you instead, when I get the money." Which would be fine since I do have rates, but somehow they often never get the money.
TheBizzer's Avatar

I will gladly provide stress relief in the form of back rubs, tickling, and cunnilingus in exchange for sessions. I'm not too freaky, but get me going and there's literally no part of your body I won't put in my mouth. Offer excludes water sports.

PM me if interested
Fastcars1966's Avatar
Ladies I am quite handy as well Cars, Computers, Home repair. Just know it took me three years to build my Avitar.
  • greko
  • 12-15-2010, 02:53 PM
I'm in the athletic apparel business for any ladies who need work out clothes.
Well im in the booze business. Let me know if u need any wines, liquors, etc. I'm sured we can work something out ladies.