Phoenix July 6th began new End Demand Campaign

"By making booking mandatory for anyone arrested for this crime,” said Councilman Jim W , chair of the Mayor’s Human Trafficking Task Force, in a statement. “The campaign is a reminder to would-be purchasers of sex that getting arrested will have real legal and personal consequences.”

As usual it uses the deception of "sex trafficking" which includes consenting adults with most arrests having nothing to do with anything coerced.

The new campaign in partnership with CEASE (Cities Empowered Against Sex Trafficking). The CEASE network includes 11 cities.

The new campaign entitled “Not Worth It” includes a website in English and Spanish, brochures and posters that will be displayed in local businesses in areas with a high incidence of prostitution arrests, according to a statement from the city of Phoenix. The campaign will also include radio public service announcements and billboard messaging along major transportation routes. The website for the campaign is and

“I am so pleased that the ‘Not Worth It’ campaign is aiming directly at the buyer’s side of the human trafficking equation,” Cindy McCain, co-chair of the Governor’s Council on Human Trafficking, said in a statement. “It’s time we focus attention on the simple fact that without demand, there would be no need for supply. Reducing demand for commercial sex in our state is a critical step in addressing human trafficking.”

“The goal of the campaign is for all residents of the Phoenix Metro area to be educated about the harms of prostitution and shift the burden of the problem to the buyer, and away from the victim, or prostituted person,” said Angie Bayless, the local coordinator for CEASE Phoenix Metro.

A large billboard campaign was kicked off just before the Super Bowl arrived in town, and the city also passed an ordinance that calls for mandatory education and booking for human traffickers.

The campaign launched in January was focused at informing victims that there is help available. This campaign will focus on potential buyers.