This might be a hard concept to understand...

GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar


It seems like more and more guys don't quite grasp this. I'm so tired of going to clean off when someone leaves to see toilet seat up, and a used condom swimming in their urine. It even happens with regulars. And I've had ex boyfriends with the same problem.

Tell youre little friends good bye before you leave, please boys!

Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 12-16-2010, 09:24 PM
A really good provider removes the evidence and washes him with a warm wet rag. Then there's no complaint from either side of the toilet.
+1, that is what GREAT providers do because they know that men are thinking with their big heads after also are sleepy, hungry and thirsty! After a warm towel clean up, fix something to eat, something small and quick, or give him a treat of some kind....little debbie etc....., and fix a glass of water for him.

I know that it sounds chauvinistic, but it will go a long way. I'm sure the extra tips that it gets will pay for the treats and your trouble. Just something to make you stand out, and make hobbyist's think that you are thinking about them and fulfilling THEIR fantasy. Remember this is a business, don't get emotional providers.

Hobbyist.....FLUSH THE TOILET!!!!

Just my 2 cents
GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
hmm never thought of that. most guys seem to run straight to the bathroom anyway. and its not always both, mostly its one or the other lol

but thanks ill have to keep that in mind.
And providers, if the seat is up, put it down. Don't complain to us because you were not taught how to put the seat down and keep falling in!!!
daty/o's Avatar


I've had ex boyfriends with the same problem.
Originally Posted by GabrielaSweetheart

Gabby, now you know the true meaning of BFE
I have NEVER understood why the toilet isn't flushed: it is specifically designed to do just that. And I have endured the never ending battle of seat up or seat down when done. It simply doesn't matter. Is it more important for the male to lift the seat or the female to put the seat down ? To complain of such, to me, is a control issue which is miniscule in scope. Just do it. Be happy you are indoors.

And I am one who everytime I use the toilet in the seat up position, I use hygenic paper to wipe off the splatter. Everytime. Floors should be done at least weekly. Seat should be done everytime. Males who don't do that, in my opinion, are just plain gross, and thoughtless, of the others who must come in afterwards.

Lastly, when a female removes her feminine products, dont let it sling under the seat in the process. This is such a nasty discovery when the seat is lifted to provide the toilet's function.

We do occupy the providers domicile when we visit: we are guests ! Act as such. Much judgement is arrived at by the most simplest of habits. Be clean. Clean up after one's self. The bathroom is a very strong indicator of the general sensibilities of the owner.
I learned a lesson early in my first is not acceptable to laugh out loud when you hear the sound of a splash followed by screaming "that is fucking cold" at 2AM when the SO has to take a pee and didn't want to turn the light on because it might wake me up.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
hmm never thought of that. most guys seem to run straight to the bathroom anyway. and its not always both, mostly its one or the other lol

but thanks ill have to keep that in mind. Originally Posted by GabrielaSweetheart
"Aftercare", for lack of a better word for it, can really make or break the complete experience. Women aren't the only ones that appreciate a little post-coital cuddling.

Hint. He's there and done. Smile. Tell him to rest a moment. Stroke him. Smile again. Run and get a WARM washcloth, maybe even a little hot, and clean him up. But first, YOU take the condom, wrap it up and throw it in the trash. The toilet will get stopped up and it's not responsible to ruin the property of others, although I do flush sometimes as well. It's not the best policy, though.

He may wish for a shower afterwards and then you know what to do.

Make the process sexy and caring. Offer him some water or whatever beverage you might have at your place. And then, jump on top of him, grab his ears and kiss him and ask if he would like to do what you just did all over again.

Just some cheap advice and I hope it helps!


P.S. Don't worry about some behaviors such as not flushing. It's not important. Besides, just think of it as he's rather befuddled and enjoying the afterglow!!!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
... After a warm towel clean up, fix something to eat, something small and quick, or give him a treat of some kind....little debbie etc....., and fix a glass of water for him.
... Originally Posted by KRiggins
I LOVE eating little Debbies! LOL. Fixing a small plate of fruit and cheeses is nice as well. I don't do that as much as I used to. Need to probably think of doing that again on a regular basis!

Thanks for the reminder.

there was a lady here that had a great business. she washed the gentleman in a warm soap and water bath afterwords. what a great way to end a session.
GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
Is it more important for the male to lift the seat or the female to put the seat down ?
Tis a good question.

Don't complain to us because you were not taught how to put the seat down and keep falling in!!!
Honestly, idgaf if the seat is up or down. Its whats left behind that gets on my nerves. Little kids do this, not grown men. Well, I guess some do.

and BTW

This wasnt even a RANT. Sorry, I know most of you dont know me and its hard to tell humor through text, but It was more of a light hearted rant. Just something that was on my mind.

I didnt even think of the after care, but these tips will definitely come in handy for me so i GREATLY appreciate it.
A really good provider removes the evidence and washes him with a warm wet rag. Then there's no complaint from either side of the toilet. Originally Posted by Go4it
I do just that

Safire Sweet
A really good provider removes the evidence and washes him with a warm wet rag. Then there's no complaint from either side of the toilet. Originally Posted by Go4it
there was a lady here that had a great business. she washed the gentleman in a warm soap and water bath afterwords. what a great way to end a session. Originally Posted by mayday
well hell, i thought i was just being nice!
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 12-17-2010, 09:12 PM
"Aftercare", for lack of a better word for it, can really make or break the complete experience. Women aren't the only ones that appreciate a little post-coital cuddling.

Hint. He's there and done. Smile. Tell him to rest a moment. Stroke him. Smile again. Run and get a WARM washcloth, maybe even a little hot, and clean him up. But first, YOU take the condom, wrap it up and throw it in the trash. The toilet will get stopped up and it's not responsible to ruin the property of others, although I do flush sometimes as well. It's not the best policy, though.

He may wish for a shower afterwards and then you know what to do.

Make the process sexy and caring. Offer him some water or whatever beverage you might have at your place. And then, jump on top of him, grab his ears and kiss him and ask if he would like to do what you just did all over again.

Just some cheap advice and I hope it helps!


P.S. Don't worry about some behaviors such as not flushing. It's not important. Besides, just think of it as he's rather befuddled and enjoying the afterglow!!! Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

Thank you Elisabeth for taking the time to explain the "fundamentals" of being a good and professional provider....