Importance or lack thereof of a fit client

Guys typically choose providers by body type. There are other considerations that may weigh heavily, but the physical attraction normally has to be there.

Providers, on the other hand, generally take all comers (so to speak. They very rarely have pics of the guy; no reviews; and most don't bother to check references to inquire about the guy's fitness level or body type. (Again there are exceptions, but my experience is that most providers see that I have reviews and/or multiple okays on P411, and that's enough). I've always thought that the mental challenge of having sex with a guy who is not remotely physically attractive to them, must be one of the most difficult aspects of providing.

Conversely, I would expect providers to appreciate it when a client is quite fit. Yet it appears to me that is not necessarily so. I am older, but I work hard at keeping fit. I am surprised how many providers don't seem to notice or particularly care, if they do notice. Again, there are exceptions. A number of my ATFs through the years were providers who noticed my physique and commented appreciatively. (while other ATFs don't seem to much care or don't comment). It's an ego stroke when a provider finds you hot, and face it, a big reason hobbyists see providers is ego gratification. Still it appears to me that many providers simply do not care and in fact will say they do not care much about their clients being very fit; they only care that the client not be the opposite extreme.

Of course, this is entirely consistent with the obvious: Providing is a business for providers and the attractiveness of the customer and quality of the sex are secondary considerations. I'm sure there are many viewpoints and other factors, which I am curious to hear.
Most Providers find the body type of Ben Franklin to be irresistibly attractive.

Seriously. I ask girls all the time how they do it. How they block out trolls like me in a session.

I may have to write a how to "Dummies Guide to Going to Your Happy Place During Sex" book from the things Ive been told.
I prefer the Dad bod. Maybe it's because I have a Mom bod? Don't get me wrong...muscles can be sexy, but a lot of times in my experience, a big ego comes along with those big muscles. Give me a down to earth, regular guy any day!
rcinokc's Avatar
Bottom line is they tough it out and do it. If they held out for "fit" guys they would go broke. More importantly, for the first time, I'M UNDER REESE !!!!!!!
those of us in shape but so fucking ugly we wouldn't let ourselves through the hotel door.

Back a few years ago, while double dipping a couple of strippers for the first time, they commented that I had a nice body. After saying not too bad for as old as I was, they told me that I was in better shape than more than half the guys that visited strip clubs.
DallasRain's Avatar
I like most...
older gents with manners & open minds for adventure
biker guys with bald heads and scruffy beards
gents in suits & ties

but I do not especially like the "fitness" guys...I prefer a "chubby hubby for my chunky monkey"!!
BUT I will NEVER kick a man outta my bed.....unless it is to fuck him on the floor! lol
jimmylbob's Avatar
I will NEVER kick a man outta my bed.....unless it is to fuck him on the floor! lol Originally Posted by DallasRain
Worth repeating... just sayin'
DallasRain's Avatar
BUT I will NEVER kick a man outta my bed.....unless it is to fuck him on the floor! lol
AbbyNicole's Avatar
Very insightful!! I truly believe the brain is the most powerful sex organ!! If two people can connect intellectually, the rest comes naturally!! I definitely appreciate a man that takes care of his health. Some people are blessed with genetics, others.... Not so much!! I would not judge a man based on his waist size (or penis size&#128522. I know some girls won't see men >50 lbs overweight. What a shame!! As long as you're respectful and clean.... Call me!! 😘
DallasRain's Avatar
big chunky/burly biker guys REALLY turn me on!! lol
BUT I will NEVER kick a man outta my bed.....unless it is to fuck him on the floor! lol Originally Posted by DallasRain
Don' t give an old dog ideas.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I notice triceps and will generally comment or spend extra time stroking them. Lol

Personally, I would rather have a guy who is portly with a sense of humor and can make me smile over rock hard abs any day.
Pirate6767's Avatar
Portly??? Is that the word of the week? That is the second time this week I have heard that... I was shopping for a suit and the sales man said I didn't need classic fit anymore... I need the "portly"! If that is the case, I guess that I can donate the "slim" fit suits in my closet to charity. Aint no way I am fitting in those anymore!!!

I notice triceps and will generally comment or spend extra time stroking them. Lol

Personally, I would rather have a guy who is portly with a sense of humor and can make me smile over rock hard abs any day. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
main reason some of us old fat fucks see providers is so we can have the illusion of being with some hot gal that wouldnt look twice at us on the street, or the young gal we missed out on when we were young or cant have now that we are past the age of decrepid
IDon't get me wrong...muscles can be sexy, but a lot of times in my experience, a big ego comes along with those big muscles. Give me a down to earth, regular guy any day! Originally Posted by Reese Foster
Amen! Same thing applies to most women as well...

I've met some Cross Fit girls, amazing bodies and hours of work to get them. But attitude 100 mile long. No thanks. Give me healthy average woman, with an inviting personality and I'm good!