BGI has a Weekend at Bernie's...

LOLing Ozombies!

A Weekend At Bernies – Being Devoured By The Monster They Created…

Posted on August 8, 2015 by sundance
SEATTLE – Activists with Black Lives Matter protests halted a political rally in Seattle where Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was scheduled to speak on Saturday afternoon.

" Black Lives Matter" Such Fanatics. The Law matters too. Maybe it's high time they stop breaking it.

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  • WTF
  • 08-09-2015, 10:53 AM
" Black Lives Matter" Such Fanatics. The Law matters too. Maybe it's high time they stop breaking it.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Black lives matter no more or no less than any other life. Bernie should have slapped them two bitches down that got on stage...that they are black is beside the point. They had no business being on stage. I've gotten into it with an entitled black bitch and her bf who thought they could cut in front of people and park in a spot others were waiting on. Racism is a two way street.
Bernie's life does not matter if there was no security to prevent whiffie's sisters to rush the podium, and make their speeches.
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Maybe they should go to Planned Parenthood and protest if they really feel that way.
Maybe they support the practice of eugenics on their own people. Do black lives really matter?

If black lives really mattered maybe they would stop the enslavement to the Democrat party and have two parent households. Of course that would go against the mantra of the Democrats.
They should go stump for Trump.