New Years Resolutions - What are yours?

My 2011 New Years Resolution is to start looking more at the positive of situations than the negative. I have been known to be a "worry wart" and a debbie downer when I am really stressed out. I got a head start a few months ago trying to pay more attention to the positive of a negative situation (especially one that is out of my control). It is actually starting to become more natural for me. My resolution is to keep on with that path

Days sure are a lot sunnier!

What are yours?
stereo's Avatar
Add Greek to your resolutions
Thanks kind of funny because I just told Portland that I wanted to try it out and all I got was a bunch of BS emails
youngatheart's Avatar
My New Year's resolution is to get to Vegas and see you. The other would be to not worry as much.
H8edByOne's Avatar
I like the greek idea!!!
Mine are...
1) Finish up my schooling so I can start a career.
2) By the end of 2011 I want to buy a house in Vegas and Kansas
3) Most Important!! See how Risque I can get in the Bedroom or wherever else it happens... *naughty grins* Any takers on helping me with this one??? lol

Hope everbody has a great and prosperous 2011!!


Also as a side note.... I apologize for not keeping up with this board but you can imagine that holidays have been pretty crazy here in the MidWest. Thanks in advance for understanding!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Mine are ...
Go to Vegas!!!!!

Wishing all a wonderful New Year!!
To live happily ever after.