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I have encountered this twice already, the last time looking for the game Solitaire.

This thread is *strictly* about a specific web page that says you have a virus, uses a synthetic voice, provides a phone number to call, and does not allow you to close the page no matter what you do. Even if you kill the browser and re-open it, it will once again re-open the page putting you back in the loop.

This is *NOT* malware, it's *NOT* a Trojan, it's *NOT* a virus, it's not anything except a cleverly crafted web page that uses javascript to prevent itself from being closed. That's all it is. thus finding a way to close the page and not re-open it clears up the problem because there is no actual virus on your computer.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Here is the discussion on this problem - it had me fooled at first.

Here is how I found it.
  • y not
  • 09-25-2015, 05:12 PM
thanks PF,
I play solitare all the time
thankfully I only play on one site
have not had a problem but do appreciate the heads up
Pink Floyd's Avatar
thanks PF,
I play solitare all the time
thankfully I only play on one site
have not had a problem but do appreciate the heads up Originally Posted by y not
This is not specific to a solitaire site, that was just the 2nd site where I encountered this problem. The first site was in no way a solitaire site. This problem has an easy solution, but if you get it you are going to be thinking you have a major problem. I knew this was weird because it only effected one browser. I think we will see a lot more of this.