the shooter asked people if they were Christian. “If they said yes, then they were shot in the head,” she wrote. “If they said no, or didn’t answer, they were shot in the legs.”

the shooter asked people if they were Christian. “If they said yes, then they were shot in the head,” she wrote. “If they said no, or didn’t answer, they were shot in the legs.”
Was it a psyop? eehhbuuuhhrrrrrTake a look at this clip. Shepard Smith is talking to a 17 year old student on the phone who is barricaded in a classroom. Notice at marker 1:11 Shepard makes a goofy upward glance. I wonder why? Anyway how is it this kid is talking to Shepard Smith while a gunman is roaming around campus, lol. Who would do that?
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Take a look at this clip. Shepard Smith is talking to a 17 year old student on the phone who is barricaded in a classroom. Notice at marker 1:11 Shepard makes a goofy upward glance. I wonder why? Anyway how is it this kid is talking to Shepard Smith while a gunman is roaming around campus, lol. Who would do that?Oh no, he glanced upward. Everyone knows that's a signal to the overlords that the operation is a success and to stand down.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Oh no, he glanced upward. Everyone knows that's a signal to the overlords that the operation is a success and to stand down.Ok lets test your silly theory. Place yourself in that kids shoes. You're in a building, you've been instructed to stay in a room because of an active shooter on campus. Under all the chaos and uncertainty, are you really going to call a major media outlet and talk to an anchor on live broadcast? You think that's common place? If you do you're absolutely delusional.
How is it this kid is talking to someone while this is going on? Have you SEEN any of the younger generation today? They're fucking connected to their phones 24/7. What you find far-fetched, I find completely commonplace. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You'd think that if they truly were "planed" they'd come off more smoothly. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuyYeah you would think. They can't make up their minds if the shooter is in custody or if he is deceased.