Hillary Clinton no fan of DATTO

texas2stepper's Avatar

i find it ironic that this article references "Hillary Clinton", "Johnson", "Datto" and "Probe".

actual quotes from the article:

"FBI probe of Clinton e-mail expands to second data company"

"Of particular interest to Johnson, according to his letter, is whether Datto was authorized to store classified information and whether the firm has come under cyberattack."
lustylad's Avatar
Hear that heavy breathing? That's the sewer rat panting uncontollably. And he hasn't even opened the link yet!

Hear that heavy breathing? That's the sewer rat panting uncontollably. And he hasn't even opened the link yet!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
woomby must be heart broken to find that he can't give the love of his life a proper rim job from The Oral Oracle of the Ozarks ! He was SOOOO set on removing her dingle berrys !
Skankery Clitlicker going to prison... http://nypost.com/2015/09/27/yes-hil...broke-the-law/

Skankery Clitlicker going to prison... http://nypost.com/2015/09/27/yes-hil...broke-the-law/

... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
We can sure hope so ! But odummer will probably NOT prosecute or pardon her if she is convicted. I'd imagine that's what Slick Willy was discussing with him on the golf course a few weeks back .
Hear that heavy breathing? That's the sewer rat panting uncontollably. And he hasn't even opened the link yet!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Uncontollably? Is that anything like 'uncontrollably'?

Hear that noise? That's lustytard getting so excited to try out a new line that he can't even be bothered to spell the shit correctly.

Nice try, ivy leaguer. Keep up the good work
woomby must be heart broken to find that he can't give the love of his life a proper rim job from The Oral Oracle of the Ozarks ! He was SOOOO set on removing her dingle berrys ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
The fact that you think I give two shits what happens to Clinton, is fucking laughable. Fuck that ugly bitch. If she goes to prison, she goes to prison. What the fuck do I care. You idiots are hilarious.
The fact that you think I give two shits what happens to Clinton, is fucking laughable. Fuck that ugly bitch. If she goes to prison, she goes to prison. What the fuck do I care. You idiots are hilarious. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Your previous post regarding how "hot" YOU thought she is say otherwise woomby, ya lying liberal cum guzzler !
Your previous post regarding how "hot" YOU thought she is say otherwise woomby, ya lying liberal cum guzzler ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
And thus we have the illustrated stupidity of gay rey. I tell you I think she looks hot in a pantsuit and you take it for the truth. I tell you I don't give a fuck if she goes to prison, and I'm lying. You really need your head checked, fuckface. That old, fat ugly bitch don't mean shit to me, just like you don't mean shit to me. You're just the dumb cunt who believes everything I say.
And thus we have the illustrated stupidity of gay rey. I tell you I think she looks hot in a pantsuit and you take it for the truth. I tell you I don't give a fuck if she goes to prison, and I'm lying. You really need your head checked, fuckface. That old, fat ugly bitch don't mean shit to me, just like you don't mean shit to me. You're just the dumb cunt who believes everything I say. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So you are admitting that YOU lie all the time. We already figured THAT out a long time ago woomby. "Freelance writer for travel brochures" . SUUURE woomby, we'll let you be that.
So you are admitting that YOU lie all the time. We already figured THAT out a long time ago woomby. "Freelance writer for travel brochures" . SUUURE woomby, we'll let you be that. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I'm admitting your cunt face believes everything I say.

It's travel magazines, idiot. Not brochures. I'm fixing to take a 10-day trip, be nice to leave you shitstains behind for a bit.
Listening to CNN and Morning Joe this morning, the consensus is Steve Kroft gave an excellent interview, which is exactly the same impression I got.
He challenged The President, did not allow him to run the interview, and asked the questions that most Americans want answered. And, most of all, got The President off script. The questions made the President say things that would make even his most staunch supporter look up from their Twiter moment and say......"what"?.

Hillary is toast as well. The questions Kroft asked about her made you think he was channeling Shawn Hannity. The President tried to walk that fine line between saying, "mistakes were made", and demanding a special prosecutor.

I hope that the CNN reporters who are going to be running the Democrat Love Fest disguised as a Debate took note. When a die hard Obama lackey like Steve Kroft can get the truth from a professional liar such as President Obama by simply compelling him to answer the question, so can they get the real truth from an even more adept liar, Hillary Clinton.
I'm admitting your cunt face believes everything I say.

It's travel magazines, idiot. Not brochures. I'm fixing to take a 10-day trip, be nice to leave you shitstains behind for a bit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
" I'm fixing to..." !!!! Great mastery of YOUR second language INGLES there pobrecita puta ! Are you already tired of Big Sir and are going out to find someone with a bigger cock to pack your fudge and give you some fresh "ropey loads" ?
" I'm fixing to..." !!!! Great mastery of YOUR second language INGLES there pobrecita puta ! Are you already tired of Big Sir and are going out to find someone with a bigger cock to pack your fudge and give you some fresh "ropey loads" ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
No one is ever going to pay you for your knowledge of spelling or syntax. Get over it. It's a work trip. Writing a cover story on a hot new island getaway for a magazine you've never heard of because you're so far out of their demographic you might as well be on the fucking moon. To break it down in terms you'll understand; you're fucking poor. Your not even good enough to be their landscaper.
lustylad's Avatar
No one is ever going to pay you for your knowledge of spelling or syntax...Your not even good enough to be their landscaper. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Uh-huh. That's rich. Keep up the spelling lessons, sewer rat.

Here's my fave example of the freelance faggot's mastery of Ingles:

You're illiteracy is rearing its ugly head again. Originally Posted by WombRaider
