live blues?

  • helen
  • 01-05-2011, 01:48 PM
I want to find good blues acts here in town-- especially with a female lead. I absolutely love Luther & the Healers but want to hear more.

Any leads?
Wayward's Avatar
Carolyn Wonderland used to play downtown in a great club, have to check and see if she ever drops by from Austin anymore.
Smoke2nd's Avatar
Check out the Big Easy on Kirby.
It looks like a dump, but has some great blues bands in there.

Looks like Luther and Co plays there alot.
I'm a bassist, and have played with some of these bands over the years.
Hell, come over to my place, I'll be happy to throw down a blues lick or two!

Carolyn Wonderland

Mark May

Tony Vega

Also I would suggest listening to Joe Bonamassa, a blues/rock artist that is not in the mainstream, but is really worth a listen.
Joe Bonamassa has some good stuff.......he is hot live.
  • helen
  • 01-05-2011, 08:22 PM
i love the big easy! that's where I found out about luther, i will definitely check out what you've listed.

keep 'em coming!
brunette lover's Avatar
Shakespeare's (sp?) over on Memorial near Kirkwood is a great place for blues, hardly ever a cover charge, lots of good acts there, especially Sonny Boy Terry and occasionally Texas Johny Brown.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Shakespeare's (sp?) over on Memorial near Kirkwood is a great place for blues, hardly ever a cover charge, lots of good acts there, especially Sonny Boy Terry and occasionally Texas Johny Brown. Originally Posted by brunette lover
Brunette is right but if you go you better get there early (before 10 pm) or there is no place to park.
Here is a great calendar that I use to keep up with the blues events going on around town. Blueshound does a pretty good job of keeping up with what's happening around town.

I like Dan Electro's a lot myself. It's in the Heights and easy to get to.
  • helen
  • 01-08-2011, 05:49 AM
this is great, texasbob! thanks!
  • helen
  • 01-08-2011, 06:11 AM
I'm a bassist, and have played with some of these bands over the years.
Hell, come over to my place, I'll be happy to throw down a blues lick Originally Posted by Smoke2nd
i just might have to take you up on that, i'd like to get back into performing