Kaytee James/Kaboom - Rip Off Artist

I paid in advance (I know, only do pay-for-play) for Kaytee James so she could get some work done on her car. We were supposed to schedule for our sessions over the next few weeks. This was in early October. Since then, I have attempted to meet with her on various occassions but she has always come up with some excuse - period, sickness, dead grandmother - and now she won't respond to any texts. In fact, her two latest sessions reviewed on this board were during the period where she supposedly had family in town and she couldn't meet because of the funeral for her grandmother (sorry guys, no offense). Just letting you know that she's another one of a line of rip off artists I have known that needs help, takes your money, and then does not repay.

And I don't need any bashing regading "don't expect to see the money again" crap, as I've heard it all before. The smart-asses can just keep your comments to yourselves. This is more of a warning that she isn't as sweet as her persona would indicate.
Sorry to read this, I have loved seeing her. Although I have read reviews where people commented that she was flakey, I have always had great times with her, and found her to be very personable. Hard lesson to learn for sure. Sorry for your experience and thanks for sharing. Must have been difficult.
ILuvNips's Avatar
Thanks for the info. I too have the misfortune of being a giving person to other ladies who needed a quick loan. One learns fast!
12blue4u's Avatar
Nope not even from me. Been burned a number of times on that. Just have to move on as much as it pisses you off.
Doesn't matter how stellar a provider is, giving her money to fix a car or whatever results in them not living up to time later. The thing is they probably need more money, so a guy calls that will pay her today, gets the first nod over previous commitment.

My rule is that assume any money given in advance or a loan will never be backed. If they do pay it back, consider yourself lucky. This goes for friends, co workers, or family members.
Mike1961's Avatar
Been there and done that. Sorry this happened to you.
Sorry to hear of your experience w Kaytee. I always enjoyed my time with her. Thank you for sharing your experience. That kind of information maked this hobby safer for both participants.
Who is she?
I'm sorry to say that Blue's suggestion is the reason that these rip-off artists think they can get away with doing this. The attitude of "just move on" is ridiculous. These individuals need to know that this kind of behavior won't be tolerated. The problem is that boards like this have guidelines that prevent the kind of justice that would deter this behavior. You may have to find another forum in order to stop this.
As long as there is the prospect (not even the promise) of pussy, guys will fuck themselves over to possibly get it. Marriage is probably the most blatant example. Civvies do it too. Google the acronym "MGTOW." Might be worth consideration.
12blue4u's Avatar
Dang, should have tracked em down, served em papers at the crappy motel and hoped they would show up in small claims court. There I would tell the judge I loaned this hooker some money in exchange for some favors later. My mistake, sorry.
Hey a funny thing happened on the way to finding another forum.
I'm sorry, but in reality Katy didn't rip anyone off. The reality is that most of the time when someone does this for a provider they like attach strings to the relationship. This scares off the provider and she decides not to see them.

Doesn't matter how many times guys will say don't loan them money, somebody stupidly does it and gets burned yet again. I really don't have any sympathy for someone that loans a provider money. In fact, if the provider is some I enjoy seeing, I would still see them. If they asked for money and said they would owe future time, I would simply say I will give her the money then.
I'm sorry, but in reality Katy didn't rip anyone off. The reality is that most of the time when someone does this for a provider they like attach strings to the relationship. This scares off the provider and she decides not to see them.

Doesn't matter how many times guys will say don't loan them money, somebody stupidly does it and gets burned yet again. I really don't have any sympathy for someone that loans a provider money. In fact, if the provider is some I enjoy seeing, I would still see them. If they asked for money and said they would owe future time, I would simply say I will give her the money then. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Sorry, but you're full of shit.
I'm sorry, but in reality Katy didn't rip anyone off. The reality is that most of the time when someone does this for a provider they like attach strings to the relationship. This scares off the provider and she decides not to see them.

Doesn't matter how many times guys will say don't loan them money, somebody stupidly does it and gets burned yet again. I really don't have any sympathy for someone that loans a provider money. In fact, if the provider is some I enjoy seeing, I would still see them. <B> If they asked for money and said they would owe future time, I would simply say I will give her the money then.</B> Originally Posted by farmstud60
Sorry, but you're full of shit. Originally Posted by radjock
That may be.....but it is GOOD shit. In fact, it's mighty fine shit. The Farmstud is laying out some of the best advice anyone can give in this "hobby." These gals are used to people playing control games on them all the frickin' time. It is a breath of fresh air when someone DOESN'T try it.

So....if a working gal asks for an advance....or a loan....you need to decide if you can spare the change or not. If you can...and you want to help...make it a gift. NO STRINGS ATTACHED. If you can't afford a gift....DON'T GIVE IT. Fuckin' grow up and learn to say "no." Don't loan and then expect you will own a piece of a hooker for a while.

You may never see the gal again.....or you may get married....or somewhere in between. But figure on never seeing the money again. Feel good for having helped someone. Sometimes....even if you call it a gift...the lady will try and give it back to you. Some of these gals are mighty proud. Thats okay if they do. You can feed it back to them slowly as "tips," or put it in a cookie jar to give to the next lady who needs help. Just NEVER expect it back. Because it is a gift.

Quit playing control games.
What asinine crap is this?

The women are the victim by being scam artists bc they're being controlled? By whom? Last I knew we were paid to leave not stay and be controlled.

I understand you're a generous man grits but she's a grown adult who makes adult choices. No one controls her unless she allows it. He was nice and got burnt...should he have known better. ..possibly but to make kaytee out to be the abused victim...give me a break.

I dont understand this logic at all. Do you prepay your dentist, dr, or mechanic? Do you set money aside to give them gifts, too?

I don't understand why you're telling him he's playing control games when this is valuable info for other mongerers. Another provider recently stated she wouldn't work with kaytee due to flakey behavior and NCNSing appts...maybe kaytee isn't on top of her game right now but that doesn't excuse her behavior nor should it be defended. OP already knew he messed up but why pour salt in the wound?