An interesting take on ISIS

I know we have some of the finest military minds on the planet in these very forums. They've led invasions... of the local Wal-Mart. They've planned missions... to keep their wives from discovering they bang hookers. And the list goes on.

How about listening to someone who has actually been there. Someone who chose to go there and fight ISIS. Or does that seem to illogical for some of you RWW? When logic is brought into your plans, they usually deteriorate quickly.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
There are many who are fighting rather than be killed by their Islamic brothers and do not have their heart in the fight. The Islamist give you two choices Convert or die, sufficiently practice jihad or die. Why do you think there are so many fleeing? They do not want to die.
LexusLover's Avatar
Why do you think there are so many fleeing? They do not want to die. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
After Want-a-be-a-Womb's master gets them over here ...

.. to where will Want-a-be-a-Womb flee?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
At Christmas MASS with you, Jimmy Swaggart?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There are many who are fighting rather than be killed by their Islamic brothers and do not have their heart in the fight. The Islamist give you two choices Convert or die, sufficiently practice jihad or die. Why do you think there are so many fleeing? They do not want to die. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Interestingly, thousands upon thousands of Jews fled Europe when Hitler seized power because they did not want to die.

The US refused to let them in.

Many were returned by the US to Germany where they were gassed.

Sound familiar?
lustylad's Avatar
Interestingly, thousands upon thousands of Jews fled Europe when Hitler seized power because they did not want to die.

The US refused to let them in.

Many were returned by the US to Germany where they were gassed.

Sound familiar? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

So you would endorse Ted Cruz' suggestion that we should let in Christians who are fleeing the same kind of religious persecution/genocide from ISIS as the Jews did under Hitler?

Good historical analogy, assup. You surprise me sometimes.
LexusLover's Avatar
So you would endorse Ted Cruz' suggestion that we should let in Christians who are fleeing the same kind of religious persecution/genocide from ISIS as the Jews did under Hitler?

Good historical analogy, assup. You surprise me sometimes.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
I'm still waiting for Cruz to publish the...

.... "Middle Eastern Christian Screening Test"!

How about ... recite the 10 commandments in order, ...

... then sign this contract agreeing to abide by all of them or you will be sent back.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So assup, you fail to tell us the reasoning for not allowing the mass immigration. Was it because of their religion or because they had no way to know which were Nazis and which were not.
Under what administration was this done? FDR? Were the Jews fleeing because Jews were killing them for not being sufficiently Jewish?
LexusLover's Avatar
So assup, you fail to tell us the reasoning for not allowing the mass immigration. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
He's like those junk fish feeding in the chum .. they snap at anything floating.

I'm sure it's just depression. His premiums are increasing, along with this copays and deductibles, not to mention he has to pay back his subsidies from the past years of freeloading ala Obamacare! He's also probably losing his doctors, who don't want to deal with his whining bullshit.

I'm sure his family is pissed too.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So tHat is what he said...just passing along stupid talking points. I was not aware that a part of the Jewish people had threatened to destroy us in 1938. So your attempt at a thought is moot. What party did the president belong to in 1938?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So you would endorse Ted Cruz' suggestion that we should let in Christians who are fleeing the same kind of religious persecution/genocide from ISIS as the Jews did under Hitler?

Good historical analogy, assup. You surprise me sometimes.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
No, I would not restrict it to Christian refugees. Or refugees from Syria.

I think Cruz is a hate mongering asshole and that proposal was simply pandering to the audience.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So assup, you fail to tell us the reasoning for not allowing the mass immigration. Was it because of their religion or because they had no way to know which were Nazis and which were not.
Under what administration was this done? FDR? Were the Jews fleeing because Jews were killing them for not being sufficiently Jewish? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Do you REALLY need to ask such ridiculous questions?

You sound both stupid and ignorant at the same time.
lustylad's Avatar
No, I would not restrict it to Christian refugees. Or refugees from Syria.

I think Cruz is a hate mongering asshole and that proposal was simply pandering to the audience. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You think it's "hate-mongering" to want to help persecuted Christians in Syria and Iraq? How does that make any sense? Using your own historical analogy, would it also have been "hate-mongering" for us to have embraced the Jews fleeing Hitler's Germany?

Make up your mind - should we or shouldn't we have turned away the Jews fleeing Hitler?

LexusLover's Avatar
YouRong: "I think Cruz is a hate mongering asshole...."

The only "hate mongering asshole" I've heard about on TV lately is the ....

... worthless piece of shit who went with his wife into a Christmas Party and slaughtered those celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and trying to enjoy themselves ...

You are a pathetic piece of shit yourself, YouRong.

In your own shallow minded, racist bullshit, you have failed to recognize that this couple is the poster "family" for NOT ALLOWING ANY IMMIGRANTS IN THIS COUNTRY UNTIL THEY ARE THOROUGHLY VETTED DOWN TO THEIR DNA CONNECTIONS!

The taxpayers are supporting that garbage and he walks in with his wife, who also benefits from the taxpayers' money, and slaughters them .... and ruins many lives in the process. And you actually want to say shit about Cruz?

Cruz has more intelligence in the tip of his little finger than you've had your entire life!
Sorry guys, but we don't do things in this Country based on a "Religious Litmus Test".

I don't want any Syrians, or any other "refugees" in this Country.

We can spend the same money, (probably less), by setting up safe haven camps over here, where they know the culture, speak the language, and will be available to DEFEND THEIR OWN GOD DAMNED COUNTRY when the time comes.

Why is it every time I see these pictures of mobs of "refugees", the majority are men, not "widows and orphans".