Moment of silence for those people affected by the shootings in Tucson, AZ

Sad day when 6 people are killed and 13 people are injured from a senseless, violent act. A 9-yr old girl was one of the victims of the Safeway shooting.
DallasRain's Avatar
yes--tragic indeed! my heart goes to the families of the victims!
  • Booth
  • 01-13-2011, 08:15 PM
It almost feels like there are more threads that are pro-gun than there are views for this thread. Sad.
Budman's Avatar
It almost feels like there are more threads that are pro-gun than there are views for this thread. Sad. Originally Posted by Booth

It's not sad. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other.
Senor Gato's Avatar
You are correct, budman. I would also like to point out that the political posturing by Obama, democrats and liberal media over this is absolutely pathetic.
You are correct, budman. I would also like to point out that the political posturing by Obama, democrats and liberal media over this is absolutely pathetic. Originally Posted by Senor Gato
agree with this, I couldn't believe what a pep rally the so called memorial service turned out to be
Obama cravenly used this incident for his own gain just as Bush used 9-11.

It's one thing to play politics as if it were a game, but when a politician uses real carnage to rally sympathy and support to himself it reflects how utterly callous and villainous those particular politicians are.

These two particular guys - Obama and Bush, are two seriously messed-up, pitiful and pathetic guys who are extremely dangerous. The decisions of both have led us into financial calamity and unnecessary barbarous war.
nuglet's Avatar
Really!?!? Is that all you got out of it?
Citizens of this country are gunned down by cooks and criminals every day, but their tragedies don't make for wall-to-wall news exploitation because they don't happen to be members of Congress, little girls born on 9-11, etc...

Obama gleefully jumped to the chance to stage an event in which HE and his WEEPING WIFE would be welcome as our steady hand to save us from our renewed anxieties and grief.

He conducted himself as our new pastoral leader, preaching to us about the realities of life and how we must wait...wait....could it be? Could it be?

Oh my God the President has just announced that she has opened her eyes!
Praise be she is healed! She is healed!

btw has anyone else noticed that Obama's pronunciation changes when he addresses crowds? In normal conversation this Hawaiian-reared, Ivy-league educated person speaks with no noticeable dialect. However when he speaks in public he takes on a mild evangelical/urban pronunciation as though in his own mind he's imitating Martin Luther King.
The word "history" becomes "his-tray" and "economy" becomes "econo-may."

Bush also spoke in public with a phony pseudo west Texas drawl which had nothing to do with the way any of his family members speak, or anyone where he went to school in Andover, Yale and Harvard LOL.

Both these guys have no real personalities of their own. They are both psychically wounded social rejects who turned to politics as a remedy for their inferiority complexes.
sixxbach's Avatar

Obama gleefully jumped to the chance to stage an event in which HE and his WEEPING WIFE would be welcome as our steady hand to save us from our renewed anxieties and grief. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Not to say that I am an Obama supporter but he did what any Prez would have done. It just happens to be him at this time. I also think to say that he gleefully looked upon this tragedy is stretching things. How do you know that for certain? You don't.

nuglet's Avatar
I too, am a fan of Obama. That said, ANY politician will take ANY opportunity to take center stage. Gleeful? That's just an ignorant statement.

quote Austinescorts: "Both these guys have no real personalities of their own. They are both psychically wounded social rejects who turned to politics as a remedy for their inferiority complexes."

Well... they didn't vote THEMSELVES into office. The fine, informed citizens that TOOK THE TROUBLE TO VOTE did. If ya voted, good for you.. if ya didn't STFU!!!!!

quote austinexcorts: "Both these guys have no real personalities of their own. They are both psychically wounded social rejects who turned to politics as a remedy for their inferiority complexes."

Really?!? and you know this HOW? Ever sit and talk with either one?
Social reject? yeah.. you're probably "informed". If you truly believe this, then you need to move to another country.
The folks in this country voted them in, right or wrong, ya can't blame the politicos, blame the 307 million that live here. Of that, 230 million are of age, and eligible to vote, and 56% (132 million) actually went to the trouble. Why not fuss about that, instead of blame the ones that about 1/2 bothered to even voice their opinion about? The problem isn't the politicos, IT"S THE DUMB ASSES THAT DON'T EXERCISE THEIR RIGHTS, and then bitch about what the rest voted for. humph!
I would expect any President to voice sympathy for the victims, but to stage such an event in a sports stadium, the public sympathy of which would reflect back himself and his role rather than that of the victims, is not something many other Presidents would have done. Could you imagine Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson or General Eisenhower staging such a performance?

In his performance Obama appeared more content with himself and his role rather than really feeling any grief for the victims. He's not even a good actor, and as for his wife it was "an Oprah Winfrey moment" of high drama and many tears shed for ratings.

It's these circumstances which lead me to conclude as I have.
  • Booth
  • 01-18-2011, 10:13 AM
I would expect any President to voice sympathy for the victims, but to stage such an event in a sports stadium, the public sympathy of which would reflect back himself and his role rather than that of the victims, is not something many other Presidents would have done. Could you imagine Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson or General Eisenhower staging such a performance?

In his performance Obama appeared more content with himself and his role rather than really feeling any grief for the victims. He's not even a good actor, and as for his wife it was "an Oprah Winfrey moment" of high drama and many tears shed for ratings.

It's these circumstances which lead me to conclude as I have. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Over 70% of America disagrees with you. Hope you're enjoying life on the fringe because you're going to be there for at least 6 more years.
funny how this thread turns into a political banter. It would suck to be grocery shopping with your family when someone decides to open fire. I would expect any figure head or politician that represents our country to say something. That's common courtesy.

While other issues are being discussed like gun control, I just want to give a moment to those people mourning. I had no clue until I saw the flags half-staffed, then getting more info from news websites. I think we all can agree this incident is tragic. It has nothing to do with partisan representation nor agendas nor any post-incident actions.
  • Booth
  • 01-18-2011, 11:29 AM
You're right, Motorboating. My apologies to all.